Honestly of all the versions this is the one that worked without any issues. Now the only thing to try is installing the Nvidia driver and trying out some games or whatever.
After a weird problem with my dad's pc I bought him a new case to go with a backup mobo & cpu I had laying around.
However I resolved the issue and 'gave' the pc to myself.
The In Win Chopin can only house an ITX motherboard and two 2.5" drives, it already came with a 150 Watt psu. It is, however, a bitch to work in/with. Front I/O cables are too long, power cables partially too yet there's not enough room to hide them.
Still, the end product does look nice. And is very silent (also thanks to the Noctua cpu-cooler).
You guys don't understand, the red dot is symbolic of society, man. It's constantly moving and we are constantly trying to catch up to it. The color red signifies passion, rage and most importantly, love. We are chasing our desires when we chase the red dot. We think we caught but when lift our paws it's not there. Why? Because something like passion and love can't be seen. It can only be felt. That's why society is so messed up my dudes, we are chasing something we can't catch. sniffs catnip we are fools to think we can catch the red dot.
I recently bought a tenkeyless (no numpad) keyboard and I'm really liking it. I thought the missing numpad would be a problem in some games/programs but so far it has proven to be godsend. Of course I'm no longer using excel ;)
ps: The bottom keyboard is my keyboard at work, it's just to show how small the new keyboard is.
"Sites that support HTML5 will default to a clean HTML5 experience. In these cases, Flash will not even be loaded, improving performance, battery life, and security. For sites that still depend on Flash, users will have the opportunity to decide whether they want Flash to load and run, and this preference can be remembered for subsequent visits."