Yikes! XD
>>32505 Yeah, I got that issue too.
>>32502 I've seen this guy on youtube before. He's pretty funny but the accent is a little thick for me to catch every word.
I like Billy Connolly more though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1enmyAmpik
okay, this is funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxPDnBDLGx8
I don't know the reason for the line-up but the dude in red is Peter Kay (I never heard of him). JesusChrist would probably know him and he can tell why he's dressed as a Beefeater. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HzFh9NAI1g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxPDnBDLGx8
The 'credits' are a total gas; fine print makes sense to me. I enjoy a well balanced picture. Who's the guy in the suit>>32486 with the same scowl? That the Prime Minister?
Oh good grief! I will never, ever, be able to un-see that. I did a spittake!
- The Bar 1.3 -