Snaps, Snapsoid, Lumra users


Here's a screenshot of thumbnails of an old file. They are mainly of the gang. I can post or send you any that you want full sized. (A few are pictures that I posted - I have many more of those that I saved elsewhere.)

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>>27141 Interesting. I would never have guessed a basement from the pictures. I like the fact of no fences. Dogs might be hard to contain though.
>>27142 Hope it doesn't become like the boat I got rid of. First thing to buy, first thing to sell. Things are always breaking and storage is expensive.


>>27136 We do try to get out camping about 2-3 times per season. Summer schedules have become unrelenting so it has been more like 1-2 the last two years.

(78.1 Kb, 872x596)

>>27136 The shop is located in the basement, under the kitchen. The red outline is the approximate area.

(125.0 Kb, 805x626)

>>27127 The kids in that house shot one of my large pumpkins one year. The guy owns an excavating company and and thinks very highly of himself. The house is currently for sale.

Attached image is provieded courtesy of


>>27124 No foul. Just asking. Do you go camping often (noticed the pop-up in your garage). Don't see the possibilities of a 'shop' (which you've show previously) on this house. In the back, maybe?
>>27125 Not my van, Grim, but I think I know who owns it.
The Kraftsmen Bakery across the street makes bread and pastries for high-end restaurants in Houston. They also sell the products to walk-in's and serve Yuppy-type breakfasts and lunches.


>>27127 holy prius, what a huge house with a swimming pool and a kids playing ground! Bit of a show-off

(111.5 Kb, 753x626)

Sadly no, I do not live amongst my pumpkins. As a matter of fact, I have no pumpkin planting plans this year as my pumpkin patch has been sold to someone else. The pic here shows the two patched that I had, the upper was all mine, and the lower patch was for the Cub Scouts to grow pumpkins in.

(3770.6 Kb, 1919x847)
nope, not mine

>>27124 and here I thought you would live in a farm surrounded by pumpkins!


>>27119 So, GG, is that the famed white van in this picture?

(102.9 Kb, 975x539)

>>27122 stumbled across it when searching for the snaps logo for another post on here. I occasionally tour the US via Google Maps and Streetview, and this gave me a new destination. I saw the house towards the back, but couldn't make it out from google. A move explains why the house was unreccognizable. The rennovation pictures you provided make the new one look cozy. As far as AA, good for you and others, please know that I am not making any jabs or judgements.

To be fair, here is my slice of suburbia, while I still have it


>>27119 Same lot and landlord, OB. The long house in the back is divided into 3 apts. I remodeled or built most of them. I've mentioned either here or on Snaps that I've been a member since 1991. I don't go much anymore and have since moved approx. 2 yrs. ago. You've seen the new house I now occupy. What made you dig this up anyway? Don't care, just curious.


>>27119 hmmmmmmm.... XD

(60.7 Kb, 675x473)

>>8515 This address leads me to Alcholics Anonymous.

(5.6 Kb, 194x200)

>>20577 LOL, I had to look twice at 'her' too


>>20574 Oops! After seeing the first two, I just couldn't go on! :D


>>20573 I see you 4 times, shefox :p


Of all the pics on snaps, THOSE were the only two of me you have?!?!?!?!?


and old thread of old snapsoid users :)




>>8562 Ok, so I found my IBAN and a SWIFTBIC to go with my account. Let me know what details you need and I'll send them to you :)


woops, forgot to cheer! YAAAY Merlin stays!!!


how about you send me your bank account number and iban?


>>8558 hmm.. i don't have a credit card either but i'll send you some seashells from our local beaches and hope that helps! ;P

congrats on the extension and we'll try not to get the site shut down before 2013! :D


>>8556 Seeing as it's on my mind I've just added an extra 2 years to the contract for £140.07. A bit cheaper than the last 2 year contract, £5.84/month compared to £6.66/month now. So now this site will exist until at least 06/2013 :D

Grim, unless you have a debit card then I can't think of any other easy way.

For those who don't know contributions can be made to the running of the site via the about page.


mm..I don't use paypal anymore and I don't have a creditcard. Any other means to cash in?


>>8540 I did mention to tjp that if he wanted to tell people to come here after snaps closed that would be fine by me. I don't think this site gets enough traffic to make advertising worthwhile so yes I fund it from my own pocket. A few members of the site have also chipped in to help pay for it. Speaking of which the contract needs renewing soon :/ Neither Vis or I do this for a living, it's just a bit of fun :D


Tip of the hat to you and Vis45, JC. It was kind of Tjp to direct the snaps folk here by email. Did you have anything to do with that? Do you support this site from your own pocket? I don't see any advertising so I guess you and vis foot the bill...thanks. You do this for a living?


>>8532 Does anyone that posts on this site own it? - Guilty! I made this site as a simple fill in for snaps/lumra when it vanished. Visitor45 help with the layout and graphics :D
I'm 100% Brit - Me too! I'm as British as the queen... ...Like her I also have a dose of German XD


I knew you lived in Dallas, sky20 and I love spam with eggs, Grim. I've been talking with all of you for years and there's a certain trust I have with the given information. I don't bank on line and the computer can be replaced. That's the way I look at it. Facebook's far more dangerous than this site is. Does anyone that posts on this site own it? Who does own it anyway? Does all the old gang know we're here waiting on them? How would one contact any of them. I'm on Facebook but rarely post on it. Look me up on ancestry over there, JC, as I'm 100% Brit. Good pics, RJ.


>>8521 To reveal JC's true nature you must first divide by zero.
Houston, you have a neighbor in Dallas. I don't typically reveal too much about myself because my parents were paranoid baby-boomers that had an interest in conspiracy theories.


>>8521 oh behave!


>>8515 Well it's good to have you onboard, Robert. I sadly can never reveal my true identity, for if it were known the very universe itself would be in danger! ;D


Great, now I have an address to send all those cans of spam to ;p


Pretty good memories here, RJ. I never knew what some of those members looked like; was only on the site a little over a year. Good to put a face to a name. Makes you wonder what ever happened to them; where they are and what's going on in their lives now, etc. It was and still is fascinating to talk to people all over the globe. Not knowing people's real names, it's difficult communicating on other sites. Sites like this and snaps just have to make do. People are always guarded in giving up their real name, email address, etc and I'm perplexed in knowing why. I'd have no trouble with it. My name is Robert Fowler. I live at 610 W. 22nd St. Houston, TX 77008. Identity theft doesn't scare me and any other kind of threat doesn't either. I'm getting too old to bother with threats anymore.


Ha ha, talk about blast from the past :D


Note: I posted this before, but deleted that post when I found that my computer had omitted or mislabeled some thumbnails when I rearranged them from "date" to "name". This is the corrected version.