
My landlord is in town for quite a while and brought her dogs with her (she uses the back part of the house when in the city). Put it up in a day and a half so it's far from perfect.


Other than having a brother, that's about it.


You've seen this but I've now converted the Czec. flare gun to a 12 ga. shotgun.


Here's some weird stuff drummed up by various automobile manufacturers.


It never fails; mess with a woman and her belongings ... you die a painful death.


That kid could really tap dance.


Do you own 'well-meaning' cats?


Chicken in wine and mushroom sauce with potatoes, brazed carrots, onion and orange bell peppers. All topped off with home made chili and jack cheese. Served with thick sliced toast. Leftovers that all came together; good!


Hard freezes here a rare occurrence! This was my fountain this morning. We saw 23 degrees last night.


We're killing ourselves over here. How you guys doing across the pond?


Here's hoping your head is still attached.


Can you guys overseas buy these little gizmos? They change colors(about 6) and look very nice on the deck/patio at night. I got these 3 for $15. Even on cloudy days they'll still run for 3 or 4 hours. On sunny days they might last 7 or 8 hours.


The old saying "He's just beside himself" might take on a whole new meaning here.



The stitches (12) come out tomorrow. It ain't much to talk about on here but what the hell.


It's been a year since I finished the building and I've finally hooked up the water, drain and electrical. I had the pipes in the slab since the concrete was poured but got busy and didn't have time.


These little 'flyers' were in my mailbox. Although the 'A' is silent, it still sounds like a tittie when you say it.


Owner said he hit a piece of metal in the road and it hit the battery causing a spark. The stock went down a tad but you'd think for a $70,000 investment the kinks would have been worked out. Maybe a $10,000 steel plate might help.


Had a huge spot removed yesterday. Second time this year they've done this on each hand. Stay out of the sun.


All this time, sitting outside my kitchen, I see this tree and never noticed this. Today, my mind was in the gutter. See inverted pic below.


I either need to haul the mower out or look for a large goat on sale at a goat store.


Back to seeing a lot of these inventions in Houston tomorrow. Work is done. Back to triple-digit heat.


Found and removed from London sewer. I'd think something like this would be in Parliament/U.S. Congress


I'll be leaving Friday, May 31st for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. I have a job there which will last 2 1/2 months (Aug 14th). I think I'll have use of a computer and will post pics if I can. The lady I rent from needs help finishing the remodeling she started a year ago. Lotta work including painting, handrail, electrical, shelving and trim. Big house, 4 baths & 5 bedrooms. Hope we can communicate; stay clean. Bob.


A long dispute over property lines prompted one neighbor to bulldoze the other's house. Damn, that's just MAD!


Today in the United States is "Eat what you want day". I didn't know that. To keep the pace, here's from fine foods to celebrate with.


...and how hot is it?




You probably need one of these things, Oldballs. I can see you cruising down the avenue as we speak.


105 year old Pearl Cantrell of Richland Springs, Texas says BACON is the answer for a long healthy life. She claims she could eat it every day.."And I do!"