Skin cancer removal

Had a huge spot removed yesterday. Second time this year they've done this on each hand. Stay out of the sun.

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Godspeed on a rapid and full recovery GG. Congratulations on being proactive and vigilante. I recently lost a young uncle (52)to cancer due to his reluctance and down right refusal to doctors and medical checkups.


>>25486 You've never seen sun like we have it and other parts of the world are worse.
The thumb removal was a freebie; they had the knife out and all....getting in gear for this new Obama-care insurance.


>>25485 OMG!?! They removed your whole thumb too!!! ;P
As for skin checks, we don't have any sun in the UK so no need for skin checks XD
Seriously though skin cancer is genreally not a big deal here, but we are advised to keep an eye out for irregular looking moles on the skin.

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Needed to change the bandage this morning. I don't know why I posted this junk; just haven't put many pictures up in the past few months. It was just something to talk about given the fact I don't have a helluva lot to talk about. They did what is called MOH's surgery...cut a little, look at it under a microscope, cut a little more until all the cancer cells are gone. It takes about 2 hours. Boy someone needs to clean their finger nails. You guys are old enough to have your skin checked by a specialist if you've been in the sun much. This stuff pops up when you get middle-aged. Don't put it off because it can get into the blood and kill you.

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It was a little hard to tell what you were looking at by my first picture (above). Here's a better perspective.


Bummer! But I'm pleased you got it dealt with. Better safe than sorry with these things.


Holy crap! Hope they got it all!


i was worried, from the picture, this would be a thread on krokodil! i'm happy you had this surgery and hope you enjoy a long life, goodgrief!


damn dude! you okay now?

Do you have to do chemo? Btw, what part of gg are we looking at? ;)