For Grim

105 year old Pearl Cantrell of Richland Springs, Texas says BACON is the answer for a long healthy life. She claims she could eat it every day.."And I do!"

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Truthfully both. I have a magnificent pair that I can still make dance, but in general I would prefer to admire the ladies' upper deck.


your own breasts and/or others?


Height: 5'9ish" was 5' 10" (shortest in my brood)
Weight: 251 (haven't seen 165 since highschool) spent most years around 200.
Pecker status: functioning
Breasts: still like em

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hi hi hi, he said 'a breast'


I do my best to keep abreast of you guys.

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wow..that's..very detailed, gg


I'm going the other way because of age. Was 6' 6'. Was 165 now 145. Pecker shrank also. I can still stay us with the champions when it comes to leaving an anaconda in the toilet though.


>>23934 165!! oh wait..pounds ;)

I'm 6'36 and weigh 185, give or take. I was always very skinny, so I'm actually happy that I have some weight on me. Also I'm the tallest of the lot (my sis is 5'3, mom & dad are 5'6) and my dad weight was at one point 227 but all due to loving food ;)


Gotta be genetics. Old Pearl here grew up in a time before diets and health foods. Lard was the answer for cooking tasty foods. Obesity was present but not epidemic and medication was something you took for colds. Of course we live longer today as a whole but don't forget we were born before diets. A good comparison will be with the 90's generation which is still 85 years from now.


my body type may be much like yours, goodgrief. I'm 6'2 and have always been skinny, never much over 165 during my lifetime. I can eat anything I want and this annoys some people, but that's life. I'm lucky, I suppose..


When they stick me to draw blood, there is none. It comes out like molasses. Doc says stop eatin butter, tamales, ice cream, candy and all that other junk. He told me to cut down on bacon and eggs also. Of course he told me to keep on smoking to help keep his tax bills down. I told HIM my family either drank themselves to death or died of old age...nothing else.
I can see nothing wrong with eating bacon, bacon, bacon and more bacon.


Bacon wrapped brats are a nice treat. Also bacon wrapped Lil Smokies make great hors d'oeuvres.
Chocolate dipped bacon is overated and not something I would be willing to try again.


yesterday I had pasta with salmon, and bacon..that was damn delicious! But bacon and eggs is tasty too. And so is a bacon hamburger with (proper) cheddar. Man, I could go on and on


>>23889 Not my favorite but very tasty. The old standard: Bacon, eggs and toast are hard to beat. I could eat that combo for every meal but the blood would clog up like a fat man's toilet.


is that your most fav combo with bacon?

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Mmmmm. Bac n Mac


>>23879 Could be. Lucky to be standing! Maybe she lives there.

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>>23879 Oh my god, a sausage wagon! Does it go in tunnels? Did it ever rear ended the pussy wagon? Are workers allowed to be brown (I know..I stop here)

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>>0 Is she standing next to the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile?

Color looks right.


There ya go, that's what I need to hear. I've seen similar old farts in Spain and France claiming that 3 shots of home made alcohol a day will save you from early 'retirement'. ;)