Changeover from 26.5mm flare to 12 gauge shell

You've seen this but I've now converted the Czec. flare gun to a 12 ga. shotgun.

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Didn't know something like this was available. If I have an intruder, one shot, he'll sprout branches and won't be able to get thru the door.
There's some wild shells on the market for 12 ga. One sets the target on fire another fills him with 200 darts. Another has 2 large steel balls connected with a wire. 11 feet and the balls are fully separated cutting off the head, arm or penis of the intruder.
Seeds are the best idea.

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filled with seeds

perfect ammo, gg?


I actually like it to do a little bit diy. Perfect is dull


The only firm that holds a good quality pattern is that of IKEA. Everything else I pick up doesn't surprise me that it doesn't work right off the shelf. Why should I have to accept the idea keeping the warranty is a very good idea.


Makes for a sweet little close range gun.
It's a shame that just about anything these days seems to need refining after you purchase it. Manufacturing standards are generally pretty poor I find.


>>27009 As you can see, the 12 ga. is about half that of a flare. The flare has one hell of a kick and a lot of noise. I'll just be shooting paper targets, cans, stuff out in a cow pasture, etc. The shells are AA (low velocity) meant for clay pigeons (target rounds). 30 yards would be the effective range. One shell has about 300 bb's. The gun is made of aluminum and I'd be afraid to shoot high velocity rounds in it.
>>27012 It was an offered item from the same place that sells the flares which is a supply house in New York.


Did somebody sell you the converter that didn't fit? It looks like the sort of thing a half decent machinist could knock up in his lunch break for the price of a beer or two.


noice! The kick-back must be a pain, though.

So what will you use it for? And what will the max. effective range be? Also what type of ammo you have?

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The 12 gauge shell is exactly 0.0812 (thousandths) or 13/16". I had a drill bit that size. After drilling, I smoothed the insides with some 400 grit crocus paper. Haven't tried it yet. The neighbors would complain.

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The conversion sleeve. I ordered this but naturally it didn't fit; had to remodel it so the gun locking device could close. Also had to drill out and hone the inside so the 12 gauge shell would fit.

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The actual 26.5 mm flare shot being chambered.