New make-shift dog fence.

My landlord is in town for quite a while and brought her dogs with her (she uses the back part of the house when in the city). Put it up in a day and a half so it's far from perfect.

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>>27186 If any, very few Grim. The neighborhood I live in is quite large (40,000 people, maybe) and I haven't driven all the streets. Composition shingles are the choice for most homes in Houston. They last 20 to 25 years and are inexpensive compared to clay. Tile roofing also requires a special foundation and wall framing for the added weight. More money. Personally, I'd have a 'standing-seam' metal roof if I built my own house. Might do that when I win the lottery.


>>27178 I had to set up a table for the drill press and mark all the centers (top and bottom) so the poles would be plumb. I have a 10in. miter saw with 12 ft. extension tables and had to buy a special steel cutting blade ($130.00). It just did get the cutting done before it wouldn't cut any more. I think the gate kit, concrete and wood cost about $200.

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Goodgrief, are there any houses with roof tiles in your neighborhood?


By my estimate, 230 feet of conduit. I'd say that qualifies as a lot. 160 or so holes. Quality looking job as I see it.


The dogs certainly like the weather change from Michigan; we've had some nice weather lately.
>>27172 I'd be driving a Caddi if I was a chef. They are pretty nasty looking but both of them run great.


nice indeed!

Your cars remind me of a certain meth dealer/cooker ;)


Looks pretty damn good to me. Nice work, as always :)

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Had a lot of old conduit and had just enough. Just had to buy 2X4's, posts and concrete.

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Later, when I get time, I'll tweak it a bit; cut the tops off posts, straighten and few short posts.