German beer..just delicious!

Although for stronger (darker) beer I still prefer Belgium ales

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Micro brewers, yes. They're still regulated by alcohol content. Home brewing is regulated by state laws as to amount (not much per year). Micro brewers have to have brewing licenses.
I have strong suspicion the beer lobby is helping keep open gambling (casinos) out of Texas.


Aren't there a lot of micro brewers? Or home brewers?

What does the Beer lobby want? it seems the US has a lobby for everything nowadays.. :/


There's a strong "Beer Lobby" in each state plus Congress here and the low concentration of alcohol in beer insures one must buy more and more. I like the idea of choice which we don't seem to have. It took for ever to get liquor-by-the-drink in separate states (beer lobby).

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Black Damnation Double Black, 26%

Me love some strong beers. just not on a working day ;)

This one from De Struise Brouwers (pic) is still on my list.


When I quit, I was liking Coors Extra Gold (something like that). A heavier beer, it is, and not 'thin' tasting like Bud.
Back in the early 60's I had Canadian beer (in Canada) and it put me on the ground. They had 11% alcohol while we only had 5.2%.


>>28661 We can get Budweiser and Coors in supermarkets and even on tap in pubs, but it's brewed under license locally and probably doesn't even taste the same. My local supermarket has a "world beers" section with imported brews. I usually go for German and Belgian stuff, but some of the American Micro Brewery beer is very good. One local pub even had Patriot Ale (Not the stuff Peter Griffin drinks) on hand pump a while back.


not in the supermarket. But the liquor stores do have Alaskan Brewing Co., Anderson Valley and Bud.

The online stores have a lot more:


I was thinking I was serious; is there any beer from here in the stores there?


>>28659 hahaha...wait, you're serious?

Nope, my most far away beer was Spanish (local brew)


Either one of you drink beer from the States?


okay but not recommended?

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I tend to drink this stuff. It's ok...