Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
Like a polished turd floating in a sea of shit
Tech Help thread

For all you nerds&geeks&noobs ;)

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(121.2 Kb, 1002x409)

ugh..too much clicks ;)


>>32998 You email me :D


Dear JesusChrist,

In case of a bug/trojan/virus/spy agency how do I change my password on this site?


>>32898 XD


Yeah, I know. But I have 50mbps so ;)


>>32894 You know you can just copy it across and then verify it. Be sure to remove any mods though as it will assume the game is corrupt and download it all anyway.


re-installing steam to a different drive. Only had 50Gb left.


I was sold at 60fps, but 59.6!?! That sucks! ;D
Pretty sweet performance, more than double the FPS of the previous generation.


60fps in the benchmark, but it does sometimes drop to 59.6 ;)


>>32888 What frame rate do you get with it all on maximum? I think I was getting around 30-40 with maz settings on my 980m. It'll be interesting to see how much of a difference the new generation from nVidia is.

(975.3 Kb, 3096x4128)
i5-4670k paired with GTX 1060

GTA5 at 1080p every setting maxed out (except motion blur..because bleh), including the advance graphics. Although I'm not too fond of the TXAA just doesn't look that good. Will post some shots later.


>>32870 Nice.

(311.9 Kb, 1531x599)

Got myself a little present.. a 1060 present


With a little suggested 'tweaking' from Microsoft, my scrolling has become less jerky. I do, however, have to click on the scroll bar every once and a while to get the page moving. The updates Win10 sends seems to make the overall browsing a little smoother.
I'm still working on that.

All in all I can't complain (too much).

I'm guessing things are better but I haven't figured out just how that's so yet.

(1073.7 Kb, 2560x1440)

Currently running Windows 10, so far the experience is positive. Haven't had any interruption, as updates during gaming, or blue screens. I am using the local account even though I'm online all the time.

Most of the MS apps are turned off, with exception of photos, search (no cortana here), and games (solitaire).

Also able to run not-so-legal programs; MS office 2007, Adobe Photoshop 7, AVS video converter, Telltale Game of Thrones, etc.

Also have no network issues, software issues, and hardware issues. Because a certain program isn't out on W10 I use the W8.1 version and it works without issue.

So tl;dr: W10 is great. Feel free to ask away ;)


>>32845 A (3D) cartoon version of A Song of Ice and Fire series. :D
Or just Emma Watson nude in my arms is enough for me.


>>32843 Not entirely sure what variety of porn your asking for, but pretty sure drunken porn is everywhere! XD


>>32842 Rule 34


>>32839 We have an old saying in AA, Vis: "Some of us are sicker than others". I'm guessing this holds true for just about everyone.


>>32839 I had lots of fun chasing those links to see where I ended up :D

(39.0 Kb, 300x452)

Speaking of snapsoid, I always loved this screenshot of the "most recent searches". I'll never understand some of them! XD


>>32788 Thanks for stoppin' by, Bo. See ya in another 5 or 6 yrs.


Here at Merlin's Bar all fires are extinguished, all sins forgiven, and all drinks half price between 7 and 8.


Thought that you might. Since I am coming clea I would also like to say that I didn't start the fire.


>>32788 I feel a great sense of relief knowing that ;D


Visitor45 and I were the ones behind the blazius I Am Legends movie poster years ago. Whew, that feels good to come clean. Later.


>>32780 lol! You always seem to find funny stuff, JC.


20/07/16(Wed)12:37's 2016 Google, open your minds!


Maybe google have checked your search history and are genuinely worries you may be a robot. Searching for robot porn isn't normal human behaviour ;P


okay, but just for a google search? Just to make sure I checked the site and no blocks were found for my ip address.


>>32758 It's still possible that some of the IP addresses used by your provider are blacklisted.


oh but I don't use vpn software or a proxy. ty anyways


>>32755 I think it's not that obvious, some sites will just deny a connection and make it look to you like it must be down, but just changing IP and suddenly the site you wanted is back again!?!
Other times you'll notice how something like an embedded youtube clip just doesn't appear, again change IP and it's back.
Just found this,
Very useful if you use a VPN or proxy!


I guess I was too quick with searching.


>>32747 You get this when your IP address is suspected of dodgy activity (spamming, ddos etc). Chances are the activity that got it listed was done by someone before you, so it's not something you've done. This happens more often if you use a VPN as those services get abused for spamming and ddos attacks etc.
Resetting you IP address by reconnecting your router or restarting your VPN software and hopefully you'll get a good IP address.

(154.6 Kb, 943x826)

I got this google 'are-you-a-bot' message when I searched for a word, apparently too quickly or too many times


>>32732 ?


>>32726 Little Dove had a flap. So did Running Bear.


>>32714 You have to lift up the little flap to insert the male connector (Awww Yeah!!!) XD

I use several Powerline adapaters, so useful, the ones with built in WiFi are great too.

(75.9 Kb, 1000x734)
Powerline adapter

I'm gonna test the line this weekend without the splitter. Will let you know the results.

>>32712 Where's the hole for sweet insertion of male cable?
Also 4 beats 1, in your face England!

On a side note, these Powerline adapters are godsend. This was the reason my dad wanted the modem/router downstairs.

(923.7 Kb, 3783x2109)

>>32710 Hmm! My guess would be that something is wrong with the socket, or cable to the socket, that the filter is plugged in to. You know the filter works even though it's pretty old, but if you have another you could test then do so.
And also I have to say that is the weirdest phone socket ever! ;D
Kneel before the UK phone socket master race >>> ;P

(32.6 Kb, 691x277)
Tiny evil box and the ISRA/demarcation .

Another mystery (to solve)!
My dad still has a very old DSL filter (alcatel pots splitter) between the wall access point (ISRA/Demarcation point) and the Huawei HG556D modem/router. Between the DSL filter and the modem/router, which is located on the 2nd floor, is a very long +20 meter DSL cable (RJ11). Because of some issues we decided to place the Huawei on the ground floor, very close to the splitter only to discover that it couldn't connect to the internet anymore! Even with connecting the Huawei to the filter/splitter. When placed on its original position, Huawei gave us internet :/


Thanks for the quick respond. We make daily backups to a usb drive.


From the data you've posted SMART thinks the drives are good. A few bad sectors isn't a big deal if you aren't seeing more each time you check. You could perhaps do some extended testing of the drives, involving lots of reading and writing, to see if you can force more bad sectors. If you keep getting more bad sectors then replace the drives.
I suspect that the drives have slightly different firmware which is why one gives more data than the other which isn't a problem.
As always, keep backups just in case of failure!!!

(209.6 Kb, 1382x646)

Dear JesusChrist, 2 question:

The nas at work uses 2x 500GB hdd's in raid 1. Every month I get a report of the disk health and disk 1 shows 20 damaged sectors. Yet when I look at the data (pic) it shows that disk 2 has got a few errors.
The nas does an extended S.M.A.R.T. test every sunday. Should I be worried about the bad sectors?

Why does disk 2 show more data? They are both Western Digital Cavier Green's 500GB.

If you need more info let me know.



>>31946 That'll be the YouTube embedded player forcing flash then, I'll take look some time.

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>>31946 and I can play youtube vids (HTML5; Webm) without any hassle.

(907.3 Kb, 1274x1440)

Well, I ask because I can't play a video I posted cause I turned off Flash player in Chrome. It asks me to turn Flash back on, so I guess the site doesn't support HTML5.


>>31939 You mean Merlins-Bar? The only thing HTML5 or Flash related is the video embedding which uses the YouTube or Vimeo default player so I don't think I'll need to change any code for that, but it might be I can update the embedding code at some point to force it to use HTML5 and not Flash.


JC, will this website (GoDaddy) also switch to html5 instead of Flash? Is that even an option?


mm, I had bent fan header pins before but never a cpu scocket pin. Shit scared I would destroy a 200+ euro board. Luckily a credit card saved the day

(11.7 Kb, 265x265)

I got some wifi serial modules recently and most of those arrived with bent pins too :/
I also bent them back and they work fine.

In case you're wondering they look like this -->


also in other news, the replacement mobo arrived (with a bent cpu pin) but it's fixed and works! :D


yeah, it seems to operating good now. Stable.


Is it all working ok now?


>>29923 and it has no issues with hibernation or sleep modes


I removed and installed a different graphics driver (older one). And I just ran windows mem test and passed without any problems. Maybe it's just one of those things?


Looks like a graphics problem. Uninstall and reinstall the graphics driver. If that doesn't work I would recommend trying a different graphics card. There is also a possibility it's memory related so you could take out all the simms and then put them back which will help them make a good connection to the motherboard. You can also try running one memory stick at a time to see if you can single out a particular one that causes the problem.


>>29916 Still HELP!

- sfc /scannow result in 'all good, sir'

btw, normal temp is 30c not 34c, still within parameter.

- No critical event message(s) at Event Viewer (other than the improper shutdown)

- However 1 error event message: Session "Microsoft Security Client OOBE" stopped due to the following error: 0xC000000D
MS Security Essentials works and updates just fine.

(1519.7 Kb, 2592x1456)


My work computer sometimes freezes; the monitor just goes berserk, I get no responds from the keyboard or the mouse.
The CPU temp is nominal at 34c, so it's not overheating. I have all the latest drivers installed. Any one (JC) got any ideas?




I think I got rid of some of the poppers!


>>27753 Call 911! She's ablaze!

(180.4 Kb, 800x600)

Here's a crappy phone pic, it kinda shows the lighting a bit better. >>27747>>27749 Thank you, fellahs!


>>27737 There are no pop-ups here or adverts on this site, nothing! Clearly you have some kind of spam virus shit going on.

>>27736 Seeing as the cool joke has already been taken I'll just have to say 'Sweet' again! :D


>>27736 Cool! (Radiator joke)


pic would help
It could also be that they gave you those 30 day (or less) trail versions. But I need to see pictures to be sure.


It's been doing it since day one! And yes, there is a virus scanner, and it says all clear! I've got the pop-up blocker on full, and it changes nothing! And I have not been on any porn sights (yet), :p because I don't want the thing screwed up while it's new! The things that pop up mostly, are surveys about the internet, or messages saying- "You need to update blah-blah-blah"! It doesn't need updated! All the new stuff was put in when they built it!
Oh, and a "Tech support" thingy just popped up! It's bullshit!


Sounds like a virus to me, please tell me you have a virus scanner!

Even if you have a virus scanner go download and install the FREE version of Malwarebytes (make sure to not tick on the PREMIUM box during installation) and let it run

Make sure that your browser (Firefox or chrome) has the pop-up blocker ticked on, you can also install extensions that block porn-ups..erm pop-ups ;)

And for the love of god and all that's holy, don't ever click on random links (except the one above ;)


I'm having pop-up problems with this new thing! I'm even getting pop-ups on this site! ANNOYING!!!!

(1769.0 Kb, 2832x2128)

Proper coolant and the newer graphics card in


>>27716 I'll pass Me. Grim (mine's all new as of '05 anyway); the labor and materials would kill me.
>>27724 Copper's great but the labor is expensive also.
>>27717 PEX will replace most plumbing in the future.
As with most plumbing, insulation is still the key factor. Not only is freezing a problem but transference of hot water over a long run is important too.
I think all tap water should have color.


>>27717 huh, cool!
>>27718 nice rim job ;)

>>27724 I paid €9,90 per meter for the acrylic 10mm ID - 12mm OD


>>27717 With copper being so expensive these days the plastic pipes have really taken off.

(3382.2 Kb, 4320x3240)

So long as we are talking cool plumbing, I came across this beauty...

(1049.5 Kb, 2048x1536)

Many homes are foregoing copper and being plumbed in PEX (Cross-linked Polyethylene) and BONUS!!! comes in colors.


Do you want me to do the plumbing in your house with acrylic?


You make good connections. You could have been a plumber.

(1874.4 Kb, 2832x2128)

A snap without the paper towels. I will change the coolant later (this is distilled water) to a more blood red color. But I'm still waiting for the graphics card to arrive..

(1329.0 Kb, 2832x2128)
Project Primum Inflexio

Leak testing the leaks for the last 10 minutes @ 100% pump = :D

I'm actually surprised how easy the air pockets were gone the moment I turned on the power.


hey hey, please don't use my name in the same sentence with rednecks ;)

(76.9 Kb, 529x397)

I was thinking something on this order....If it's good enough for rednecks it's good enough for Grim.


>>27678 At first I'll use clear demi-water (to flush). The final coolant will be red, maybe even UV red..don't know yet. BUT there will be no blinking lights..ever!
>>27679 and NO multi color lights either!! ;)

Just 1 simple red led fan and whatever the mobo lights are


>>27678 I want to see colour changing lights depending on fluid temperature :)


What color of water this time? Is it possible to add blinking lights?

(2512.4 Kb, 2832x2128)

Close to finish!
Still need to do tiny things, like trimming, cable management, add a gpu (hasn't been delivered yet).


I have this rubber insert that came with the kit. But next time I'm at the beach I'll give it a go too ;)


And pour sand into the tubes, so they won't collapse when you bend them!


For my next (current) computer I'll see if it work, goodgrief. I have many leftover tubes now ;)


Push-fit fittings should work well as it's a low pressure system. Not sure a copper pipe cutter would work on plastic, I tend to use a very fine saw blade or an abrasive cutting disc.


We have similar type fittings on the market now for gas and water. I've found using liquid soap is quite helpful when sliding the two pieces together; makes a good seal also and won't affect the liquid/gas that passes thru the lines.
A copper tubing cutter might be helpful when cutting the plastic tubing rather than a saw. Less chance of shattering and a cleaner cut too.

(79.1 Kb, 648x437)

Just to clarify, the tube slides 8mm in the fitting. Before inserting the tube you have to trim the edges using an internal & external reamer / deburring tool, so you don't damage the rubber O-rings.

(568.4 Kb, 987x615)
Render of the fitting

>>27643>>27647 Thanks! It's a bit tricky with the heating process, and sawing the tubes can result in breaks, but all-in-all it's much more pleasing for the eye than the flexible tubing. Also no more plasticizer.

I'm using Bitspower BP-MBWP-C47 G1/4" Multi-Link Adapter and they don't compress the tube, can't because it would break. However there are 2 O-rings inside the fitting to prevent leaking.


>>27634 Very professional. Are those compression fittings that secure the tubing to the radiator?


>>27634 That's going to look pretty sweet when it's done!

(172.3 Kb, 1000x751)

update on the Acrylic bending!
>>27590 done and doing :)


>>27550 Looks good, but allowing a little extra so you can then trim it to fit is very good advice.


>>27550 I've bent my acrylic many times! :p


--Microsoft Fixes IE Bug, Even For Windows XP--

>>27558 that acrylic is too expensive to waste, hence I must be careful where to bend


>>27545 I'm gonna look up that Puppy Linux thingy.


>>27550 Beautiful bend using a heat gun (no browning due to burning) and no inside 'crimp' on the bend. Now send me a dollar.
btw ... bend first, measure and cut to fit from the bend.

(774.4 Kb, 2832x2128)

Did my first acrylic bend today! Pretty happy with the result..not perfect. Next measure once and measure twice then bend ;)

>>27545 derp!


the good news is that windows DID release a bug fix for XP and I've updated my system.

My desktop at home has Vista and I've only used it for projects and not internet use. So I plugged it in a few weeks ago and updated some of my programs and windows said I needed their SP1, which, being an idiot where these things are concerned, I said, okay!

Of course, it rendered my computer unusable. I couldn't even get to a log on screen. I figured everything on my computer was lost forever.

But I found Puppy Linux using my laptop, burned it to disk and got my desktop up and running then ran a system restore to the point in time before SP1 was installed. All is good.

So very strange that windows has a service pack that would knowingly, admittedly, crash a computer.

Puppy Linux really opened my eyes though..


>>27536 Windows 8.1(.1) is actually much better.
But most salesmen in electronics stores aren't actually IT guys, they will sell what cost the most. Also you don't need to be an IT person to assemble a computer.

I can tell you as a person who owns XP, 7 & 8.1 that the difference between 7 & 8.1 isn't that big. In fact for the noob 8.1 is much user friendly than 7 or xp. But it has to do with what you are used to. Change is difficult for most people, and you are no exception.

However for the professional user and IT people 8.1 is a bit like a blinged up version of 7. That's why I turned most apps off, and I use a local account.


>>27526 Oops! Yeah, that is supposed to be "avoid W8 at all cost"!


>>27532 Apparently, W8 is so bad, they've been telling people they won't even work on a computer that has it!


he installed Windows 7 but told you to NOT use Windows 8! Don't tell lies now, Fox. ;)


The computer guy installed W7, and told me to avoid W7 at all cost!


Vista indeed sucks. My mom had it on her laptop, I updated it asap to 7 ;)

>>27522 what, not DOS? :P


>>27520 I now have Windows 7 but liked XP better.


yeah.. it's my work computer and has been extremely reliable so.. I love XP and then come home to the nightmare of Vista on my laptop and desktop..


wow, still xp? MS announced the no-support of XP in 2011.


>>27503 and no fix for windows xp, which i have at the office. I don't use ie anyway, but still.. I feel cheated. :(

(32.7 Kb, 636x358)

>>27503 Let me correct that for you...
--U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Avoid Internet Explorer Forever! --

(26.7 Kb, 307x287)

--U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Avoid Internet Explorer Until Bug Fixed --


(142.6 Kb, 1000x751)

>>27497 shh, don't blow my cover ;)

Actually, JC, if you really want to know, I have a dual pump that I still need to install. The current one won't be up for the task of pumping the coolant through three 360 radiators and 2 waterblocks and still maintain good flow and pressure.

As for my other (back-up) computer I will go with acrylic tubing. I've never done that, so it will be a challenge. I will keep y'all up-to-date! :)


>>27495 Grim hates computers and electronics. He orders toast on Amazon.


I wonder if Grim would like to know more about the specs of this new computer. He's been unusually quiet about it ;P

CPUID HWMonitor is very good too for an overall picture of how things are performing :)

(48.3 Kb, 1115x786)
Tip of the day!

--A very handy (FREE) tool--
Piriform Speccy

Speccy is an advanced System Information tool for your PC. Need to find out what's inside your computer? No problem! Speccy will give you all the information you need.

get it here:

(308.3 Kb, 1360x768)

I can even change the speed on the cooling fan! It was really buzzing when I cranked it up to 100%! :D


>>27483 Yes, the computer guy told me how it monitors, and detects games! I need to learn more about it, and get an actual game in this thing first! :D

(1553.3 Kb, 1575x777)
it's hot in Indiana

Ah, so it's an Asus GTX 650, nice!

Go install GPU-Z, it tells more about the video card (I couldn't find the model on the site)

Also you might want to check out MSI Afterburner, it not only monitor your graphics card but you can also use it for screen and video capturing!

(216.8 Kb, 1360x768)

More cool gadgets on the new PC!


>>27472 Of course we all have difficulties with this PC stuff! They keep changing things on us!


Yes, Seafox ;) But truth be told, even I have difficulties every now and then.

>>27465 Yes, I forgot android. I use that one too, 4 point something


Windows 7 x64, followed by Android 4.


Did you make this just for me?! XD


Just a little forum feedback ;)
What Operating System do you use (the most, JC/Grim)?

I use most of the time Windows 8.1 when I'm not at work. At work it's Windows 7 Ultimate.