"Normal" Barbie

What would Barbie look like if she were modeled after the average American woman?

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>>24739 Warden asks two prisoners what their last wish is before he flips the switch.
Prisoner #1. "I'd like to hear "Achy Breaky Heart" one more time."
Prisoner #2. "Kill me first."

I'd sing it to her everyday.

With the rules clearly in place, I would f the doll (no diseases), kill Paris (for that Hardees commercial alone), and marry Miley so I could get in on some of that Achy Breaky Heart money!



The way I read a description of the rules is that kill is just that, fuck is a one & done, and marry is a lifelong committment to a abstinent marriage.


I would marry Miley, fuck the doll and kill Paris


>>24721 you are right. There are many things you can do with/to a doll, but you can't technically kill it. I don't even think you can marry it, but i think you made the right decision anyway! ;)

>>24723 yes, traditional marriage (more or less - you can't legally marry a doll, but that's the fun of the game anyway), ie: you must love and honor Paris Hilton through the good and bad, till one of you dies (in a way unrelated to this game).

It's one and done on the fucking so choose wisely and make it count! ;)

Killing one of the three has no negative consequences for you, and potentially could be viewed as community service whereby an award could be presented to you.


The details of the rules are murky. With the marriage, are the traditional conjugal benefits still intact? With the fuck, is this a one time thing or a continual side piece? With the kill, am I held liable for the loss of life or is this a no consequences thing?


>>24720 technically you can't kill a doll, so your little play is flawed from the beginning.

but to keep the peace, I'll marry the doll (no nagging, no spending money), fuck Paris Hilton (she's loaded so I'll get something more out of it), and kill that other freak so she won't make any fuckin song again!

Hope you're happy, V! ;)


>>24719 in that order? I'd watch that on youtube. ;D

No, you must decide to kill one, fuck one and marry one. Once we start bending the rules for you, we have to do it for the whole lot! ;) now behave!!


>>24716 Can I kill, fuck and marry all three? XD

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let's play "Kill Fuck Marry"!

You must decide which of these three you would rather kill, fuck, or spend the rest of your life married to.

Your choices are:

>>24701 (1)Miley, (2) Miley's giant barbie doll and...

(3)Paris Hilton.

have fun!! ;)


my god, you guys should get some fresh air..your brains are starting to rot ;)

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>>24701 i'm both creeped out and strangely attracted to that picture, which is also creeping me out. ;)

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Seriously, is this what you want??!!


Houston is quickly changing as the years go by also. Maybe you should get out a can of brown paint and give Barbie a 'do-over'.


Don't worry.. the Republicans will find a way to make the white man the majority again! ;)

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>>24612 "that brings back memories"


Green card indeed! Especially in California. Did you hear the news?

"Non-Hispanic whites are now a minority in California, according to new census data.

A jump in Hispanic births and Asian immigration propelled whites into minority status for the first time since 1860, when accurate census data started being recorded. As recently as 1970, non-Hispanic whites accounted for nearly 80 percent of the state's population.

Hispanics accounted for more than three-quarters of the state's growth during the 1990s and now account for nearly one in three residents. Non-Hispanic whites slipped to 47 percent of the state's population.

Asians now comprise about 11 percent of the state's population.

With 33.9 million people, California is easily the most populous state. Nearly one of every eight Americans is a Californian and the state's booming economy, fueled in part by a huge labor force, is ranked sixth in the world.

The Hispanic population nationally grew by 58 percent to 35.3 million, or about 13 percent of the U.S. population. Nearly one in every three Hispanics nationwide lives in California.

California joins New Mexico, Hawaii and the District of Columbia where non-Hispanic whites are also in the minority.

A 27 percent increase in the Asian population in California was due mostly to immigration.

The black population remained steady at 7 percent of the total population, while the non-Hispanic white population continued to shrink, partly due to an exodus during the recession of the early 1990s."

- CBS News article


You'll need some tattoos and fat, Vis. Maybe some blue and green hair with a size 12 shoe would fit the bill. Don't forget to give her a green card.

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