big hand pushed back

"The Doomsday Clock has been set back 1 minute for the first time in its 63-year history.." based on optimism about the future of the world as it relates to catastrophes like climate change and nuclear weapons.

we are now 6 minutes to midnight

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You are correct! ANY repub would do it!
Did you realize that the word "republican" came from the word- "Repugnant" ?!? ;D
AND I spelled "hideously" wrong! :p


"palin trying" won't effect the clock. "palin or any republican WINNING" will push the clock forward about four minutes.. :(


>>1153 I know! What a name for a televangelist!
He was a hidiously rich one too! In Tulsa Oklahoma, he has this "city of gold" college! I've been there, and yes the buildings are plated in real gold!
The doomsday clock shows how close we are to a nuclear war! 15 minutes being completely safe, while one minute till indicates fingers are on the buttons!


'Oral' Roberts? What a name! XD

So how do they calculate when this so called doomsday is coming? Like: 'Sarah Palin tries again... add 15 minutes to the clock!'? ;P


I really thought I heard that he died! Maybe it was some other douchebag I'm thinking of!
I know Fallwell died, and Oral Roberts recently died, but I know there's one more!


The Doomsday Clock was conceived by and is being maintained by eggheads with scrambled brains.

>>1121 Pat IS a dork, and most Christians know it!


It's not the first time the clock has gone back, it's moved quite a few times over the years.


Pat sounds like a dork


My favorite part is, "Napolean the Third, or whatever."


No, he's too busy hatin' on Haiti to die.


Didn't pat robertson die?!


i know allot of republicans who would enjoy that! ;) and the hero of the christian conservatives, pat robertson, would say we deserve it for voting in a black man!


And then tomorrow, a nuke blows up at the Capitol! ;D