Four Generations - my family


1923 - My sister (now 83) is on my grandma's lap. They are with my great grandma and my dad.

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WOW!!! RJ's dad was Harry Potter!!! :O
Great pic RJ :)


>>1092 Oops - the picture was taken in 1926. She will be 84 in August.
>>1095 It was taken at my grandma's brothers home. I have lots of pictures - I hope to scan them and make CD's to distribute to my siblings and their families.
>>1094 The clothing is cool too!


I wonder why your dad isn't looking at the camera. Do you know where this pic was taken?
And got more of that period?


I love the style of your Dads' look with the round glasses! It looks like he stepped out of an old movie! :)


love the pic, black and white is more atmospheric i think :)
wouldn't your sister be 87 if it was taken in 1923?


a great old photo, rj. did you take it? ;)

i love the brilliance and contrast, quality wise, of these old black and white pictures. i have a stack of them from my dad's childhood and, except for subject matter, they have all maintained their quality through the years.

thanks for posting this! :)