Politically correct?
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I see!


Well not a real cake if that's what u mean. Rather a ton of different cookies. Sweet and salty and the best is when you can't stop eating them, casue if you eat something sweet you need some salty, and then something sweet, and and and... you just gain like 10 kilos in 3 days.


>>12620 No cake?!?!?
It's a birthday for cryin' out loud! There's always cake at a birthday party!!


>>12611>>12618 I also celebrate Christmas sans the religious bits. We don't have cake, but apple pie and turkey with all the fixins!! Yum yummy yummy!! Can't wait


Well me and my family have always celebrated christmas and easter, but not out of faith, simply because of the beauty and tradition of the whole thing. So we enjoy cake and other good food and spend some good tome together, but not because of Jesus. Still, Jesus was and is cool. Peace love happiness, actually I'm dead tired, WTF am I dtill doing here at 00:30...


>>12589 You should! There's cake!


I don't celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, but also, I am not offended if others do.


Us pagans celebrate the new light


Keep Christ in Christmas!


People also forget that the word "Christmas" means- "Christs' Mass"!


So it seems being PC is not about being respectful or tolerant. It is about not offending anyone. I understand we sometimes have to watch what we say in mixed company, but purposely omitting the word "Christmas" from a show focused on the material and cosmetic themes of Christmas, and not on the birth of Christ our Savior, is plain cowardly. Sticks and stones..


>>12570 According to the info I've found on the internet the Pledge isn't banned in schools of the US. But it's been a subject of legal and debates about PC.


We go through this same bullshit in the U.S.!
Usually, when there's an election, the one with the most votes wins! Then it all ends there! We have to bow down to one little douchebag, and POW!! Kids can't say the Pledge of Allegiance in school anymore!


Leaves a question why the producers would cower to a minority?


utter bullshit.


You get a lot of this sort of crap in the UK :/
"oh, but we don't want to offend some tiny minority" - So instead they prefer to offend the majority!?!