And How Are You Today?

the doctor is in! ;)

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>>8207 Uninterruptible Power Supply!
Damn it!! ;D


>>8204 you got Peter Norton in your pants?????

When they asked me if I knew Symantec I was baffled..then they said Norton.."ooh, that's the same company?" I said ;)


>>8196 Got one in my pants!! WooHooo! :D

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>>8196 Cool! If you happen to meet Peter Norton at some point please kick him in the nuts from me. That'll teach him to print his smug face on all his products!


Study period is on for another 4 months... yay.


>>8109 ow shoot I forgot, I'm doing okay. Had a job interview today at Symantec (Norton Anti Virus and stuff). End of this week they'll let me know if I got it or not.

@SeaFox: if power cuts are regular maybe you should reconsider a Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)


>>8186 I've had that before, because of something resting on a key! That's what made me think of a stuck button after I re-assembled the keyboard! But I didn't know what it was called! Thanks JC! ;)


>>8109 I've been better :/
>>8111 You refer to BIOS beeps, you can look them up to found out what they mean. Occasionally you get them for no reason. In my experience Asus boards often do this :/
>>8148 If his character was English he would say "Lager, Cheap, Warm" XD


>>8145 And Picard is supposed to be a Frenchman!



>>8131 It's a Captain Picard thing! ;D


>>8111 i never took you as a tea drinker. :)

>>8115 still amazed that this illegal alien situation cannot get resolved. it really just falls off the radar..


>>8115 Just shoot them in the head! ;D


29 degrees here in Houston and a forecast of 1 to 3 inches of snow. School here teaches nothing of snow. It's just in the picture books that everyone else gets. We've had illegals here for decades, Fox. You have to purchase padlocks for your padlocks.


Last night, we had a tremendous power surge during the ice storm! The lights flickered, and there was a bright blue flash outside! I was using the PC at the time, and when I restarted it, it made rapid beeping noises, and wouldn't restart! The horror!! Flashing back to earlier, I was enjoying my Earl Grey tea, I somehow spilled it into the keyboard! :S I took it all apart, and cleaned it! To my surprise, the earl grey did not get into the electronics! I worried the rest of the night about the PC! This morning, I thought maybe a button was stuck, and that's why it wouldn't restart! I un-plugged the keyboard, and started up the PC! The stuck button was the problem! It started up just fine! I fixed the prblem, and everything is fine! Thanks for asking! ;D
Oh, but everything outside is covered in almost an inch of ice! :D


and how is everyone doing, in general? i'm fine, thank you :)

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>>6072 Yes. I have the CSI edition of Google Earth, you can zoom in to see individual atoms :D


>>6070 >>6071 Apparently, the resolution on google earth has gotten better! :p


>>6070 Only 20? He has 8 Acres! 20,000 more like XD


why do i get the feeling if you sent a crew with shovels to start digging up seafox's yard, you'd find at least 20 skeletons! ;D


>>6052 I see :/


>>6060 could be a she..
Maybe she was searching for the famous SeaFox?


>>6056 With all that I did all day Sunday, they were calling me "detective seafox"! ;)
I found a trail of things through my yard, and the field to the east of me! I could practically map out what course he took! He started at the first house from the west, and worked his way east, then south around the bean field! Too bad he didn't leave his address! :p


>>6052 "items found in your yard.." "you were not burgled.." have you been ruled out as a suspect?? ;)


>>6048 Sometime early Sunday morning, all my neighbors around me had their cars broken into! Two neighbors right to the west of me, and three to the east! They skipped over me, because of Venus, and my car is in the garage! However, whoever it was hid at the northest corner of my house, and opened things up that they took from my west neighbor next door! Found the items in the yard later on! Everything they took was mostly ID's and social security numbers, and the registrations to the cars! I just found out that mexicans have moved into the trailer park down the highway from all of us! We are calling Immigration, because it sounds like to me, that they just might be illegals! :p


I'm about to see my niece, so I'm happy and smiling :)


Meh! I'm doing ok, I guess. :D
>>6044 Say what!?!?!


I'm fine, Jupiter, and Venus are fine, but there's going to be a burglar who's going to be bleeding soon!


oh, i'm fine thanks! :)