Jupiter is Going in for Surgery!

His little problem "down there" has been diagnosed as a tumor! They want to cut him open Monday morning! Poor little guy has had enough happen to him! :(

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Thanks JC! I miss him so much! :'(


So sorry to hear this news :(


I am missing him very much! I keep hearing "phantom sounds!" Just little things that sounded like him moving around, or taking a breath! I'm really feeling the grief when I leave the house, and even more when I come home, and he's not here eagerly greeting me, and looking at me with his joyful eyes! :(


How you feeling now Mr Fox?


:( so sorry to hear this...


"All dogs go to heaven"


Very sad news mate :(


this will be on my mind for awhile. my condolences, seafox :(


So sorry , Sea Fox.
You gave him a good life - much better than many dogs have.
*tearing up*


Sorry to hear, SeaFox


Jupiter von Fuchs July 25, 2001-Nov. 20 2010
R.I.P. My best boy, I will love you, and miss you for all time.


>>6444 A nervous wreck!


Thanks guys! He's still hanging in there! Still coughing, but not very much! He does not apear to be suffering! This mornig he trotted outside to see my Dad, but then he got short of breath! his will is still strong! Right now he's laying here looking at me! I don't know if this is harder on him or me!


he's been through so much recently and i'm sorry to hear about it. letting go is not something i have ever been very good at, even when it's for the better. how are you holding up?


very sad to hear mate :(


>>6430 Sad news




Update! Ithought I was going to lose him last night! He was coughing and breating hard all night! (no sleep)
He's still with us, but right now, he's taking a few hard breaths! He dosen't seem to know what's happening to him, and he's grumpy!
Today, I purchased some materials for his final rest, just in case! I'm so scared! :(


>>6209 Good to hear :)


He's hanging in there! This morning he was having trouble breathing again, but right now he looks tired but getting around! We did play with a tennis ball in the house a little, so his spirits are up!
Thank Oddo! :)


How is Jupiter now mate?


Thanks JC! I really wasn't prepared for that to happen like that! He's the first of my Dogs to have a heart attack! He was just walking in the door, then he was out on the floor! No warning, no anything! Right now, he's like he never knew anything happened! I keep watching him closely, and paying attention to how he's breathing! I don't think he's been out of breath today, but he's not done anything but go outside to pee, and lay around, with occasionally coming up to me with his head on my lap! I hardly slept because I was watching him all night!


Very sad news. But I guess you couldn't have been in a better place when it happened. Here's hoping however long Jupiter has, and I really hope it's a good while, he can remain comfortable and happy.
Be sure to give him a hug from me :)


>>6147 His dad Zeus had some trouble at about nine years old with bone cancer, but he fought that off pretty well! His uncle Thor died from kidney failure at six years old, and he was only 75 pounds! Jupiter had back surgery two years ago because a growth on one of his discs was pressing on his spinal cord, affecting his back legs! He got the stitches out yesterday from the tumor they removed from his testicles, ten days ago! Thanks for hoping, but he may not make it much longer! It could be any time, but I'm still holding out for more time with him! He is resting a lot today, but I keep waking him to see if he's still breathing! :S

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Wow, he's quite young! Or maybe you're right, and his size matters a lot in these thing, but I though he was at least 12 for having all those troubles.
Here's hoping to see his 12th birthday!


>>6145 Thanks Ft! He turned nine on the 25'of July! His Dad Zues made it to eleven, but Jupiter is a bigger Dog! Sometimes the bigger they are, shorter their lifespan!


At least he was at the right place when it happened.
Stay strong Jupiter! And SF!
How old is he?


>>6141 Hugs given Grimm!
>>6143 Just a couple of times in the last month, I've noticed he started breating heavy during our walk. But not every time. He was absolutly fine before he got in the car to go to the vets. He was fine all the way up the ramp to the door, then wham! I've been wondring about the heavy breating, but it would stop after about a minute, so I've been watching him close lately. He didn't breath hard like that every time. I don't know how or why it happened right when he could get the help that he needed.
The vet showed me how to give compressions if (when) it happens again. And he showed me how to give him a breath through his nose. But he told me after twelve or so compressions, if it didn't work, it may be his time. :(
He's laying at my feet resting, and it's scaring the hell out of me! For a second here, I thought he wasn't breathing! He's still with us! I may not sleep tonight.


just so sad. if it had to happen, i'm glad you were there with him and that he was there in the vet doorway where help was on hand!

do you think this heart attack was inevitable and you were in the right place at the right time, i wonder? wow.. my jaw almost hit my desk as i read your post.. :(


God damn, Charlie! Fuckin awful to hear! I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I'll light another candle for him!
give him a big hug from me


Horrible Jupiter update! I just took the boy to get his stitches out, and when we got in the door, Jupiter collapsed!!!!!! He had a heart attack right before my eyes! Everyone of the staff members dropped what they were doing (literally) and ran to get the doctors! The receptionist on the phone dropped it on the desk and ran to help me! Both doctors were in the exam room in seconds! The main doctor gave him chest compressions while calling for a trache tube as I removed his collar! He pulled his tongue out while I pried his mouth open to get his airway open! Jupiter was gone for over a minute! The Doc said he was "seeing the light" there for a minute! We got him breathing again, and he is home with me for now! The Doc also said I turned as white as his tongue did! We're afraid the end is near! :(
I thanked everyone, because the entire staff ended up in the room with us! They all love him very much! He's a favorite there!


Thanks Vis & Grim!
The Boy is home now! Very weak and groggy! We'll see how long it takes him to come out of it! I had to carry him into the house! Now I'm weak & groggy!


I'm happy for him and you!


great to hear the surgery was a success and that jupiter will be in a better mood real soon! :)


>>5961 Me too! I don't know what's left that can happen to him! Poor little guy!
His kidney problem may be much better now! He's been drinking less and less water lately, and urinating more normally, so we'll see if the vet has something to say about that! Thanks again JC! :)


>>5960 Good news. Here's hoping that will be the end of it.


I just now got a call from the Vet! He is out of surgery, and doiing well! I will pick him up at 3pm, (1500h) and they will tell me more!


Any news?


Thanks JC! I've just taken him in! He didn't want me to leave him! :(


Bummer! I hope everything works out for him :)


Thanks guys! He's getting a lot of tummy rubs because he likes it! ;)
He's not going to like me tomorrow though!


give him a tummy rub from me and keep us updated mate


aah shit! sorry to hear that..I'll keep my fingers crossed for him on monday