Scooter Fun in the Pool!

Here's a short video of some scoooter action in the pool!
Please ingnore the bald spot! ;D

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LOL! Fantastic! I remember doing that because of all the times I tried it upside-dowm, and failed! ;D

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Here comes the Fox


I'll give it a shot..


That is a neat little website! You can make GIFs out of anything on YouTube! Some of our DogFights might look cool! :p

Nicely done!

Beware of the hairy tanned forearms of Aquaman!

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Testing my first GIF! :D


>>6500 Rebreathers are some serious shit! I'd love to try one one, but the training is ridiculously expensive!

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rebreathers have 2 hoses


>>6494 130 feet is the "no decompression" recreational limit today! I learned to dive at age fifteen (1976), and we had the single hose then! And that's all we had! One hose, no alternate regulator, no tank pressure gauge, no depth gauge, just a watch! Lots of rules today, most of which I don't stick to! :p


Dual hose is all I remember; don't recall exactly when the single hose became popular. Used to think the hard breathing was normal especially around 150 feet. Not having to be certified to buy air or dive, the knowledge of what atmospheres were didn't even compute. Looking back, everything we did was dangerous. We had loads of fun though.


>>6483 I couldn't see any advantage other than keeping the bubbles behind you so they wouldn't get in any video, or photos you take!
>>6486 I wouldn't want to use this in a shipwreck! I would be getting the hoses caught on everything!
It's from the early 70's! I'll check with Scuba Jim to see what year they were manufactured! The make of this one was "Dacor" they were the leading scuba gear makers of the 60's & 70's, but they're gone today! And it took till the next day to get the rubber taste out of my mouth! :p


>>6480 cool. this regulator would not be ideal for diving in the ocean then, if you are going deep to look at shipwrecks? how "vintage" is it?


>>6480 So is there any advantage to this older type over what you use now?


It was a completely different way of breathing underwater! When you look up, it wants to free flow! When you swim face down, it breathes hard like your tank is almost empty!


>>6471 Interesting, look forward to that


During tonights Discover Scuba class, I had the opportunity to try out a vintage duel hose regulator! That was my first time using one! It was really different! I'll have a video posted later! :)


>>6383 Well, I try to keep it exciting! XD


20yo IS a good age :P


You dirty scoundrel! ;)

Never a dull moment with you


Another successful session of certifying Rose Hulman students in open water! I must have done real good, as one of the female students friended me on my YouTube channel! ;D
Also sank another, larger underwater platform at 20 feeet deep! I dove all day on one tank, and right after setting the platform on the bottom, I ran out of air! For the first time, I used the "emergency swimming ascent", good thing it was only 20 feet! :p


>>6134 didn't you join the party? I hear they have excellent bbq's!!


Only at the hotel, where the zulu tribe was keeping everyone awake at 2:30 am!


yay! close to murder someone?


Survived another long weekend with students in open water! Some people shouldn't be allowed to get their hands wet in a sink! :p


>>6013 cool!! now make one that can also fly


Gotta have one!


I don't know how I screwed that up! XD
I don't know how I screwed that up! XD


>>5676 Cool! Cool! I like it. I like it.


And here is another version of the video put together by another diver on the trip! He combined his video, and mine, with photos from Scuba Jim, and me and Diver Adam! The opening photo in the video is one I took! And I'm in some of the pics, and video in this one!
Enjoy! :D
And here is another version of the video put together by another diver on the trip! He combined his video, and mine, with photos from Scuba Jim, and me and Diver Adam! The opening photo in the video is one I took! I'm in some of the pics and video in this one! Enjoy! :D

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>>5663 There is another live-aboard trip planned for November! I haven't decided if I'm going! I've done it once, but then I didn't have the digital camera then! Also it would be great to take the new HD video camera because we do a shark dive, and that would make some great video!
goodgrief, I get about forty minutes on the scooter, but it depends on how mush I use the second speed on it!
>>5669 That SeaLife camera has only a srobe unit with no flood light, and you can see my little back-up flashlight is near useless for video! The SeaLife video has some night vision to it, which is why some videos are green!
I am getting a flood lamp unit for the HD camera, because it's going to need it! It's about $250 for the flood light!


>>5658 Cool!! Doesn't your camera have a flashlight? or nightvision? ;p
Are those ships prepared for diving?


How long does the battery charge last?


>>5658 Awesome, I would love to go exploring these wrecks!
When are you next on a diving trip?


For those of you that haven't seen it! I've put my shipwreck video on my YouTube channel! And another shorter video of the outside, on the bow! It's at the top of the video list on my channel! Enjoy! ;D


>>5072 Chipmunk Charlie

The "No Diving" video, with a rerun using double speed! :D


All the oil companies have to do is switch to producing Hydrogen, and the problem is solved! :D
See why I should be Emperor, er, I mean President?! ;D


>>4546 I notice that all the talk about hydrogen cars these days is about how to store and refill a car with hydrogen. Talk of hydrogen fuel cells seems to have largely vanished. Of course this is because if we had fuel cells in our cars and homes then all the oil and power companies would be screwed :/


All cars will run off Hydrogen right now! What they need to do is have the processing plant inside the car, so you can just fill 'er up from your garden hose!


I agree SeaFox, Hydrogen cars have been around for 20 years or more now but you still can't buy one anywhere!!!


The oil pumping into Mother Earths' bloodstream is like a virus eating away at its' nutrients that feed the children of the seas! It turns the life-giving blood flow into a toxic cover that suffocates all it touches! It's really astounding how a small hole can leak and spread freely in all directions to poison the life of the Earth!
If I were in charge, I would say to the car companies- "It's time to produce cars that run off the Hydrogen found in water!" And to the oil companies- "It's time to produce Hydrogen instead oil!"


it's so terrible what people are capable of sometimes. i would love it if the sea animals could find a way to seal off the ocean so no one and nothing could touch the water until humans took responsibility for their destruction of the planet. of course, i am a dreamer of great dreams.. :-\


>>4494 I saw a news article about the turtles :(


I would love to go down there, and clean the sea creatures! Nobody has contacted any divers up here for any clean-up work! I would go in an instant! I would dive to pick up any tar balls that might land on any reefs! I'm worried that it's going to reach all our dive spots at Pensacola, and Panama City! I'm wondering if it could reach the Oriskany, and Key West already has enough dead coral from all the shipping lanes! There has already been dead SeaTurtles washing up on shore! Me so sad! :(


>>4484 I was wondering that too. How is this affecting diving?


hey seafox, i was wondering what your thoughts were on the gulf of mexico oil spill. are you heading down there to be part of any volunteer group? just wondering. :)


>>4181 Thanks Vis! But remember, these ocean videos are from the SeaLife camera of the November 2009 trip to Cozumel! I can't wait to use the HD cam on the next trip! There is another live-aboard set for this November! I'm thinking of going again, because there will be a shark dive, and that will make GREAT video! :D


great to see you're having fun with your camera!! :D


Lost at Sea! ;D


As soon as YouTube gets done with the audio swap, I'll post the "Lost at Sea" video! ;)


>>4139 Thank you! :D
YouTube is gretting better about their choices for music! I tried to find one that was kind of like Jaws music, but keeping it up-beat works too! ;D

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>>4125 Great video, and nice rhumba music ;D


This time, a barracuda and Scuba Jim!


>>4095 Thanks! It looks like 720p is the way to go! That first one of me donning the scuba gear was 1080p! :D


Fantastic, the new camera produces great results at 720p :)
Love the turtle too :)


My new SeaTurtle video is out! ;)

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It looks like a ...

As for the bald spot, you could shave the hair of your arms ;p

But it's a great movie, steady camera action too!!


I believe the image quality is due to the cleaner pool water, and I uploaded it using the program that was included in the camera! :p


look ma! one hand!! XD

i believe the image quality of this one is superior to that of your last video! was it due to the camera operator? ;)