Brits, what are your votes?

I'm really interested to hear what are the Brits of MB going to vote in the coming elections.

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>>4154 It all reminds me of that wonderful Chinese proverb/curse 'May you live in interesting times' :D


well things are shaping up quite lovely over there! :D


To my knowledge it has always been about greed, power and corruption.

We have elections every 4 years, and every 4 years it's the same shit as the 4 fuckin years before that no matter who we voted for. We got a lot of parties and they all shout different things in election time but when they gotta run the fuckin country it's all the same shit as before. Fuckin democracy, they say!

Do politicians really change anything? Why yes they do! We gotta pay while they greed.

All have a good voting day! And enjoy a good pint or 2..


in america, we have basically two major parties comprised of winners (democrats) and losers (republicans), and then there are off-shoots of these two parties that are like gnats, such as the "tea party", "green party", "independents", "libertarian" and something i have not seen on a ballot in california before, "nonpartisan".

used to be if you ran for a government office, you did so as a service to your country, such as joining the military. now, the sole motivator seems to be greed, power and corruption.

i don't know how to get rid of career politicians. this country is to stupid to vote out incumbents, i'm afraid.


>>4026 I'm not able to get to the polling station, but I was going to do the same thing. I'm hoping for a hung parliament and then perhaps Labour and Lib Dem make a government together on the promise of electoral reform.


Well, I did it. Voted Liberal Democrat for the first time. I expect I'm not the only person who can say that today. Hope it was worth it.


I'm not sure of the details of your voting system, vis, but here in the UK even though each of these parties has around 30% of the vote in the current polls that translates to conservative and labour both having around 260 seats in the house of commons and lib dems with 90 seats. We really need proportional representation in the UK :/


i like all three of these characters! :) but brown has the experience and therefore uses the scare tactics. not interested in that. vote lib dem!! :D


thanks! watching it now! the set looks like a game show! like who wants to be a millionaire or something!! XD how bizarre

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The last debate is on the BBC now, and as usual nothing decisive is happening! >>>


>>3829 I would, I like honesty :D
>>3835 So I hear, and yet here today's polls suggest it hasn't changed anything :D


the "gaffe" is big news here, for anyone following foreign affairs. but i love the flow of that private conversation. and damn that sue!! XD


>>3826 True, but if they were always honest we'd never vote for any of them.


>>3823 I agree, but it was all quite funny though :D
I don't really think it will make much difference. I'm sure most people will respect that it was a private comment and that he is also currently under a lot of stress. Also it's entirely possible the woman is a bigot. I would much prefer that politicians say what they think rather than always be polite.


>>3821 Why the hell was the PM wearing a Sky News radio mic? He should've known that Rupert Murdoch's right wing media would would jump at any chance to embarass him. That sort of thing is an election loser, assuming it wasn't already lost.


Go Brown!


i can tell you in america, i saw a report about this new lib dem guy, don't recall his name, and he seems inspiring, and to be a straight-shooter. i also sense a hung parliament is coming as well. :)


Lib Dem so seem to have finally caught the nations imagination, we can only hope that feeling follows through to the vote. I suspect a hung parliament may be where we are heading, but I don't mind that, it'll be fun watching the politicians having to get along :D


>>3787 Doh! I meant DON'T attract.


Never think that a candidate having big ears means that he will listen to you. The US learned this the hard way.


I reckon a lot of people are thinking the same way. I just hope the BNP and UKIP attract too many votes.


yep sideways i'm voting libdem too this time. Been Labour all my life but i think a reshape of the system is in order


>>3772 I'll never vote for those thinly disguised racists. Nor the swivel eyed lunatics in the BNP. You've got to ask why they're so terrified of anything beyond our shores. Anyone working class who votes Conservative is a masochist. They exist solely to keep power, privelidge and wealth where they think it belongs, with those who already have it. Blair's "new" Labour have done a lot that disgusts traditional Labour voters, not least invading Iraq. Blair has gone but the nasty taste lingers. It's obvious from the press that the Conservative and Labour parties are terrified by the popularity of the Liberal Democrats. That in itself is nearly enough to get my vote. I can't see the point of voting for one of the single issue parties at all.



So much yellow! My eyes hurt


The Monster Raving Looney Party!


Oh, and by the way, what do you say about this guy's opinion?