New setup for sim racing

Well, almost..still waiting on the monitor stand and a few bits and pieces I, most likely, missed.

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>>38747 Or it could just be the game, or windows. Just drove for 25 minuten in Project Cars (1) without issues.


dxgkrnl.sys is a DirectX component. It can appear to cause BSOD and crashes. However the real cause is likely to be graphics drivers (delete and reinstall), directX installation (use the MS directX diagnostics) or a system file corruption (Use system file checker). The other possibility is GPU hardware.

WdFilter.sys is part of windows defender. You could try disabling it completely just to check if it's a problem.

NDProxy.sys is to do with WAN drivers. Probably nothing to worry about.

wimmount.sys is for management of windows image files. Not sure if this is relavent. A system file check might be a good idea just in case.


I just checked on both my dad's laptop and my work pc, neither dxgkrnl.sys and WdFilter.sys are loaded. Both have zero issues.
So I'm guessing these 2 files aren't loaded is common?

(1174.0 Kb, 3440x1440)
Moisty Monza

>>38743 So no issues during my latest run in Project Cars 2.

These were the errors in the log:
BOOTLOG_NOT_LOADED \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys [x5]
BOOTLOG_NOT_LOADED \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\wd\WdFilter.sys
BOOTLOG_NOT_LOADED \SystemRoot\System32\DRIVERS\NDProxy.sys [x4]
BOOTLOG_NOT_LOADED \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\wimmount.sys


I guess you just need to be monitoring things in the background and then do whatever it is that has been causing the crash. Hopefully if you have logging enabled you'll see something in the data when you power back up.

(149.2 Kb, 2576x1408)

The test of the 7700X at the 15 minute mark, using a different gpu and psu.


The current >>38733>>38739 system has the 'perhaps-dodgy' psu and it passed.
So now I'll run OCCT on the 7700X

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I ran OCCT for half an hour and it passed.

The only thing I found were psu testers but they just show the none-load voltages.


>>38737 I'm not sure how to test it. I don't know if the bios can log that kind of thing? Does the mobo have any monitoring software?

In my experience sudden power off or restart is often down to a power supply or temperature problem. It's unusual for windows to do that with a software problem these days, but it does still happen.


That did not even cross my mind, mainly because it was my old psu in my main rig, and I had zero issue there.
I did check-up on the voltages in bios and they seemed fine.

How can I test if it is the psu?


>>38732 Strange. Is it a power supply problem?

(1450.3 Kb, 3440x1440)
Beam with default amount of traffic

And also tested, with the same memory & gpu installed, the 5800X which is newer and faster than the 8600K.

Both in Project Cars 2 with 31 opponents, and with with traffic, at 3440x1440p I got stable, +60 frames :D

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Very heavy sigh...the pc that ran it can't handle the load :( I ran several benchmarks before and the Ryzen 7700X cooled by the Arctic LFII360 seemed to work fine.
However, every time I tried to launch a race with opponents it would restart without any errors given. Same thing happened when I added default traffic in

So I tried the same workload on my older i5-8600K and it ran without issues. I can even add more traffic in Beam but the cpu does have limitations. I have to troubleshoot the 7700X & Asus B650e mobo AGAIN..


That wide screen makes all the difference. Perfect!

Clutch, shifter & handbrake are a must at some point.

(1285.7 Kb, 1734x2312)
! Wide Screen FTW !

Only thing(s) I need to address is:
- change the tiny-ass keyboard with touchpad to something bigger?
- map the snap a pic and start a movie key to the wheel or Stream deck?
- add VR?

In the near future:
- clutch pedal
- gear selector
- handbrake
Downsides to the three above: very expensive, and a hassle to mount.

(1447.4 Kb, 2312x1734)
Wide Screen FTW!

I swapped my main 34 inch 3440x1440p monitor with the old 27" 2560x1440p monitor seen here >>38726

This is MUCH better for racing games. Which does mean I have the 27 inch for my main pc, which is just fine.


No way, I rather buy a curved 34 inch 3440x1440p monitor.


Very nice! Now to build 2 more monitor stands for the left and right monitors! XD

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Finally..alas now I'm tired

Installed the pc, done cable management, cursed, done some more cable management, and....done!

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Sim-Labs Vario Vesa Adapter helped. With other mounts, which were cheaper, there would be zero adjustments.

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DIY monitor stand

>>38720 Ready! It's a fucking crime to adjust but it works.

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Building the monitor stand myself. I hoped by buying local I wouldn't get any added tax but I was wrong and it turned out a bit more expensive than buying a stand from a known brand (like GT Omega). But where is the fun in that, right?

I bought 2040 aluminum profiles, a shitload of m4x80mm bolts and whatever-they-are-called-to-fasten-them-in-the-profile thingies, and multiple 90 degree elements(?).


It took me the better part of 4 years..and I'm still waiting on the monitor stand.

I have it custom made to size, 5x alu 2040 profiles along with fixtures..I just don't know when it arrives :(


Sweet! Sadly I think it'll be a long time before I can get a setup like this :/