How are we all doing?

I'm slowly getting madder, thus pretty much the same as usual :)

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>>36178 Foot traffic is up, so much so that the sidewalks and walking paths could be considered congested at times. Motor traffic is less so. When this all started, the streets were empty and you rarely saw any others out. This past weekend, I ventured out to retrieve some lawn equipment from storage and noticed that the traffic volume was up. Not to it's normal levels mind you, but there are definitely more folks out for a drive than I may deem "Essential".


>>36177 You're no wrong about the eerie calmness of everything being at odds with what is happening in our hospitals etc.

>>36178 I've also noticed that some of my neighbours continually find excuses to have to go out in their cars. I find the selfishness of some people truly stunning. Sadly though I seem to be in the minority :/


>>36177 Good to hear you can work from home and doing (sort of) well. And you're saving $200 a week! How are your kids, and wife coping?

I've observed my neighborhood more closely these few weeks which is one of the benefits of living in an apartment. I noticed there's still a lot of traffic; cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and even pedestrians. In all honesty the semi-lockdown isn't really working here.

I did noticed the line at the snackbar being longer because of the social distancing thing (stay 1.5m away from each other).

How's the traffic in your parts?


It's like a lazy Sunday afternoon here everyday. Everybody seems in limbo and in no rush to get anywhere. It's deceivingly pleasant until the reality of death and illness lurking on every possible contact surface and person walking by you. You cross the street on your walks, to avoid crossing paths with neighbors. Really quite surreal. Haven't bought any gas in nearly a month, where I was accustomed to spending $200 a week in gas. Working from home is still working the bugs out, but productive. I am grateful for a job that allows me to work from home and remain busy during these times.


I don't have smog where I live anyway, but today the farmers are busy in the fields and the air smells like a cows arse :/
Thankfully they are ploughing it in right away the smell will be gone pretty quickly :)


Nice, it would be nice to have a garden. But I have a balcony filled with weeds (the non smoking kind) so that needs to go.
And I also game, watch series and movies.

How's the air, btw? Here's it has been good sniffing as in no smog :D


I'm ok. I'm lucky to have a garden so I'm spending my time between doing a bit of gardening, playing games and watching a few tv shows or films.