Ugh! Sometimes I hate technology

I bought a new, but old stock, Nokia 3 phone to replace my old Sony Z3C that had finally died. I use it as a mini-tablet in my workshop for playing music through speakers and photo graphing things as I work on them so I can remember what I've done. It was only £40 which for a brand new mini-tablet is a bargin!

On receiving it I decided to root it to make it more useful. Rooting is usually pretty straight forward but this time it fucked up :/
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.
No problem I thought so I followed some advice to fix that problem and try again, but it fucked up even worse.

You get the picture.

At this point I have a phone that won't turn on or fully off, it just buzzes every 15 seconds and that's it :/

As a last resort I found a guy in India who had a video of him fixing the problem and a single package download with everything needed. 3Gb of downloading later I try it and fuck me it actually worked!!!!!

I don't understand why it kept fucking up and the things to fix it for other people failed for me but I'm thankful it's fixed.

I now feel totally fucking drained and my brain is numb XD

Why do I bother with any of this shit! XD

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I have a friend who recommended that show to me ages ago but I haven't got around to watching yet. I guess I should :D

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I'm more of a Ron Swanson fan.


>>36079 The picture is of a hilariously simple character (Andy Dwyer) from a popular sitcom called "Parks and Recreation". Netflix has episodes.

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I'm sadly not as smart as I'd like to be :/
I have no idea what the picture is but I liked the message :D

>>> That is an actual brain scan I had a while back! ;D

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You smrt

The wonders of technology! Glad you sorted it out, bravo TechJesus.
PS: I don't get the picture..