""With a hot potato in the throat speaking. - Someone with a sore throat?"
Actually no, speaking sophisticated, mostly by people with too much money. In the Netherlands it's people from 't Gooi aka posh brats aka douche & sluts (slightly overrated) "
We would say "Born with a silver spoon in their mouth"
"Evening red, water in the ditch - Is this saying if the sky is red at night it will rain? That's the opposite if the UK phrase of 'Red sky at night, shepard's delight' meaning the weather tomorrow will be good."
Yes, it means that the next day it will rain. Well, you brits always were a weird bunch, can't expect the weather to be the same, hé? ;p
"Now the monkey is coming out off the sleeve. - Clearly something sexual to do with a monkeys up butts! Or maybe some kind of trick being found out."
Yeah, the perp has been found out. Who knew it was Miss Scarlett with the candle stick in the casting room?
"With a hot potato in the throat speaking. - Someone with a sore throat?"
Actually no, speaking sophisticated, mostly by people with too much money. In the Netherlands it's people from 't Gooi aka posh brats aka douche & sluts (slightly overrated)
"Something with argus eyes seeing. - Err..."
Indeed, yes. <squinting eyes> This does look suspicious. Better be extra careful before posting.
Evening red, water in the ditch - Is this saying if the sky is red at night it will rain? That's the opposite if the UK phrase of 'Red sky at night, shepard's delight' meaning the weather tomorrow will be good.
Now the monkey is coming out off the sleeve. - Clearly something sexual to do with a monkeys up butts! Or maybe some kind of trick being found out.
With a hot potato in the throat speaking. - Someone with a sore throat?
>>35348 There is nothing as weirdo as people
Kill two birds with one stone (bummer, nothing changes)
It costs an arm and a leg
You can't do that review of a book through its lid
I'm not that stupid if you look funny
Let's try a few Dutch sayings to literal English, and see if you get them ;)
Avond rood, water in de sloot. -> Evening red, water in the ditch.
Nu komt de aap uit de mouw. -> Now the monkey is coming out off the sleeve.
Met een hete aardappel in de keel praten. -> With a hot potato in the throat speaking.
Iets met argusogen bekijken -> Something with argus eyes seeing.
"There's nowt so queer as folk"
"Kill two birds with one stone"
"Cost an arm and a leg"
"You can’t judge a book by its cover"
"I'm not as stupid as you are funny looking"