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This is a Texas flying cockroach. They're basically a tree roach and cannot survive indoors. However, every once and a while, one will get inside (usually they run in when I do and I don't see it). There are contests in Dallas, I think, once a year to have the longest cockroach. They've been measured up to 2 3/4 inches. Most of mine are 1 1/2-2inches maximum.
In the whole world, there are about 200 kinds of roaches. Texas has about 15 different kind and none of them carry disease. They are very clean, washing their feet constantly.

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hahaha. I'll bet they are bigger than my tiny spider?
Do they come in your house? If so, do you crush them or swipe (broom) them out?


>>32948 Oh! Hillary and Trump hadn't crossed my mind. Simply "Spot" and "Whiskers" because of their looks. They usually appear around dusk.
They do fly. Usually from a height say the side of the house or tree branch. When they land in my hair, I get-a-moving like you've ever seen an old man jump!


no, I meant you naming those cockroaches. I heard they can actually fly :S


>>32945 If that poor spider found out you named it Trump or Hillary, it would plead with you to stomp on it!


>>32943 Trump? Hillary? Both? ;D


>>32928 You named it Susan? That'll work. I've named a few roaches around here.


>>32930 yeah, all the gardens and pathways are littered with webs..I have to walk like a Nazi (saluting) in order not to get the webs in my beard.

And every morning she's making her web again..pff afterwards she tucks under the window frame for a quick nap.


We call it a Garden Spider in the UK, they can get quite big. Very cool spiders :D


nah, it's just a cross spider. She grabs all the mosquito's and other small flying insects that I don't want in my apartment.
Apparently they can bite but rarely do and if bitten it feels like a mild bee sting. I don't mind them, as long as they respect my apartment I'll respect theirs.
The big one, in all the pix, is a female as she's the biggest of all the 20 (and counting) spiders I noticed on my balcony. Still tiny though..maybe 3 cm / 1.18"? Susan won't sit still enough for a proper measurement..


Interesting. I don't know of the dangerous spider in your country. We have only two here in Houston (I think). Is this a baddie?

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The other side

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