>>32730 >>32719 The shorter scrawny version is cgi, he's really that beefy.
>>32724 Colussus is bigger & taller than the actor, the ball on the actors head represents the cgi head. The actor's crash test suit makes him stand out during filming. Idk why they opted for grey though, maybe because the green in the background would interfere with the cgi? As for blue...
>>32715 I actually like the Thunderbirds, because you'd see the strings..so you knew it was 'toys' being blown-up. Probably the reason my parents didn't want me to watch it because I'd recreate some scenes with my own toys ;)
I don't care what anyone says, CGI just makes a film more believable. Remember those old Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan Japanese films? The burning cardboard buildings were just so totally fake, I recognized it even when I was young. Phony toy ships getting blown up in a washtub with no colored background of sea and sky; totally funny. Microphones always dipping down in the picture and strings holding up space ships...well they didn't have a whole lot to work with, did they?
I don't know if you guys have seen the movie "San Andreas" but the computer graphics are so extensive, they've included a whole extra disc in the package just to show you how everything was produced.
Watching the land 'roll', a tidal wave, Hoover Dam washing away, buildings falling...damn! It's good stuff and well worth the watch.