Just a suggestion here but you guys across the pond might give some thought to up-grading your Navy just a bit.
>>32140 ouch. "among the world's most capable air defence destroyer" ..if it works.
We're certainly having a spot of trouble with our boats these days: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35432341
>>32138 I don't know about the Dutch navy but your army.... well, that's a whole different story.
Of course the Dutch have a different view on warfare
I do like the Royal Navy Cruiser
>>32135 That's one vicious looking s.o.b. Is it stealth? Captain seems to have the look of "Shoot first, ask questions later". >>32134 I think our destroyer fleet is better than China's also.
This is the top secret prototype of our new destroyer.
Well at least our navy is better than the Chinese one!
- The Bar 1.3 -