I wonder how much this blazing thing costs

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>>31543 Much like the Segway. Interesting, and somewhat funny, story of the British guy who bought that company, he took one out for a ride along the coastline where he lived and drove off a cliff and died!


I saw a video on youtube about these things and one can have it delivered for a mere 300 bucks. The original costs 1700 bucks. Of course the knock-off is from China but it's still as dangerous as the more expensive one. No one gets to see just how dangerous these things are in the demonstration videos but falling down seems to go hand-in-hand with ownership.


The police in the UK announced over the weekend that using these devices anywhere in public in the UK is against the law. Apparently they are unsafe to use on footpaths in case you hit a pedestrian, and unsafe on roads because you might fall and get run over. Bloody killjoys!!! :D


>>31465 You have a point there. It would have to be sold with a 'flame-retardant' suit though.


Ha ha, I missed that. In which case it's a bargain at $599 :D


But but..this thing goes 10 kmps! That's 36000 kmph or 22369.36 mph! That would justify the huge cost!


Recently, and I don't remember if it was a link on this site or another, I saw some kids riding these. I think the cost was in the neighborhood of a thousand bucks.


$599, which is about $590 too much :D