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Had my car tested on Friday, needed some rust attending to first.

Not art just fun


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Art and car in the Netherlands

painted cars are allowed, also aftermarket stuff (wings, side skirts, lights, exhausts, etc) are allowed as long as it's within the rules.

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>>31396 We have an "Art car parade" once a year in Houston; it's a fairly big deal for a lot of people. They can also be seen driving all over during the year. The police here would be embarrassed to ticket and then show up in court if it meant hurting an art car.

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>>31396 ...and here are some of the fine ladies that attend.


>>31396 The EU have taken all the fun out of driving! ;D

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This is also not allowed, with pedestrian safety and such in mind.


>>31392 We can't have pinholes in the exhaust system; you gotta get the holes welded or replace the part.
Those are great looking chariot wheel demolishers on that Chrysler. I don't know if they're really allowed but the Mexicans love 'em.

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luckily not allowed here

>>31387 yes, we have one..and it's a national thing. The rules depend on the car's weight, fuel, and age. And are fucking complicated (here's the google translated page: http://tinyurl.com/natkkkf )
Vehicles built before 1960 are exempt of the APK, same as in the UK.

Also the usual stuff must work like you wrote, goodgrief; windshield wipers, horn, lights, signals, seat belts and in addition to that they check the chassis for holes or dents. And if the vehicle still has got 2 rear-view mirrors (mandatory), working shocks, etc.
Then they also check if the vehicle has no parts sticking out, like for instance a aftermarket bull bar (you really don't need it here) or those odd wheel hub things (see pic).


>>31388 Very few steam vehicles around anymore (Ha!), except Jay Leno's Garage.


>>31388 All vehicles are tested in Texas (I don't know about other states). ALL must meet windshield wiper, horn, lights, signals, seat belts, etc to pass. No pass, no license tags. No insurance, no tags. Emission standards are set into the inspection station computer, the car goes on a rack with rollers, the car turns the rollers (under load) a sensor is put in the tailpipe and the computer says "pass" or "fail". If a car fails, into a mechanic shop it goes. 25 year old vehicles don't get emission tests but must pass all the rest.


>>31387 In the UK we have a mandatory test, called the MOT, every year to be sure a car is safe and within pollution limits. The amount of tax you pay to be able to drive for the year ahead is determined by the amount of pollution your car produces. Only cars and motorbikes built before 1960 are exempt from the MOT. Vehicles built before 1975 don't have to pay any vehicle tax. Steam or Electric vehicles don't have to pay the tax either.


Do you blokes across the pond have emission tests to drive your vehicle legally? Ours vary from state to state with some counties have none at all. It costs about $40 bucks a year. Vehicles over 25 years old are exempt (mine).

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>>31376 not all but maybe on another field.

They are all corrupt bastards.. maybe we need another revolution?


I'm pretty sure all the car manufacturers are doing this to some extent. Also it turns out the UK, French and German governments have been lobbying to keep the loopholes in emissions testing open in a new test due to be introduced in 2017. Bunch of wankers!