What am I?

What do these idiots represent???

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>>31220 They have retail outlets in cities to make money so at least one of them has a number for the business, corporation, bank account, etc.


Maybe those in religious groups (Amish?) have nun


>>31206 We need one here to become part of the credit system which includes anything purchased on a time payment plan. Renting and buying a home also included because the credit history is checked; same for a bank account. I suppose parents apply for a child so a savings account can be opened in their name for college.

There 's a possibility a person could wonder around here, without a number, their entire life (highly unlikely) on a cash-for-work basis. A driver's license would be impossible to attain but walking and a city bus would solve that problem. One is quite limited without a number.


>>31204 huh, you're right, 9 numbers. So, that makes 10^9 combinations. I wonder if somebody has my combo.

Here, because you don't need it that much (only for taxes and insurance), hardly nobody knows it from memory. Luckily it's printed on every form of proper ID card (drivers license, ID-card or Passport)..oh, I see it's also on my health insurance card.

The SSn is mandatory and giving at birth by the (local) government. Hell, you need it if you want to open a bank account, rent a place, buy a car, etc


>>31203 I might be guessing but I think most people here know their ssn#'s without looking. It's just nine numbers (123-45-6789)


>>31202 "I hope you could make sense of it."

It's in English.. JC could you translate for me <sarcasm mode off>

But seriously, the blog had more info than the art(ist) site, just pictures.

Is it true most Americans know their ssn from memory? I know mine ends in 1980 but the other letter/number combo.. I really gotta check the ID-card


>>31197 Yes. That's the site. I hope you could make sense of it. I certainly tried to. It was an interesting concept and certainly enlightened me about another country/countries.

We get social security numbers here (usually applied for by parents for a child) but it's not mandatory (I applied for one myself @ 13). We need one to get a job so social security taxes can be withdrawn. It's decent identification but a state (Texas) drivers license (with picture) is better. It's decent identification within the U.S. A birth certificate isn't worth shit anymore (it used to be) because they can be forged. Identity theft has tightened up a lot of things concerning identification.


>>31199 lol! Also you guys are on an island..which is a bit easier to control than landlocked borders.


>>31197 ID cards weren't made mandatory in the UK because the idea proved to unpopular. We have changed to drivers licences with photos though.

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The identity card is mandatory in europe, if you want to travel further (outside the EU) you'll need a passport.

Is this the blog you found? http://love.maastrichtregion.com/blog/lifting-borders.html


>>31189 The 'art' display was more or less saying that we are a united country but still in our minds are from separate countries. I don't think that will ever change. Even though we have the freedom of state to state travel, people still aspire to their personal statehood.
Maybe a passport issue still exists (I don't know) and Brussels wants that done away with.
The author of this article met her parents in this city. They came up from Paris by high-speed train. You would have to tell me if a passport issue came into play because I've never been there.


>>31184 YAY COOKIES!

Brussels wants Europe to be more like the USA. What they forget is that the people don't want to give up their identity.

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Yes, both of you (>>31180,>>31182) are so very, very close in your answers you win a cookie.

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Dragon's Teeth

It is a Walking Westwall project presented in the city of Aachen that was supposed to bring attention to borders; even though physical borders have practically disappeared in Europe some may still remain in our mind. The author of the article I read (not the creator of the art project) was relating how one could travel throughout Europe via high-speed train without regard to borders. This walking art exhibit prompted her writing.
The dragon's teeth were anti-tank measures built by Germany and part of the Siegfried Line.


>>0 The utter bullshit that is modern art.


Newest Muslim dress codes? Peeping Tom's? Art gone wrong? Latest mailbox automatons? An episode of Dr.Who?