The separatists are heavily influenced and supported by Russia - this seems obvious to me. I agree some blame must go to the airliner for flying over a war zone, but in no way would I give Russia / Putin a pass for their involvement in this episode.
Finally they decided that today is a national day of mourning (23-07-2014).
Five minutes before the remains have landed on Dutch soil, all (church) bells will ring. After that the last salute will be played and everybody will remain silent for one minute. Also the flags on government buildings are set at half-mast.
And they also decided that today there will be no advertisements on (public) tv..
It's indeed a shame that some trigger-happy fool shot down a commercial aircraft knowing full well what he/she was doing in the process. The big question is "Was it Putin's people or not?"
If the Ukraine is NOT a part of Russia why are all countries concerned talking to Putin for answers?
I'm understanding, by what I've been reading, that to fly around this war zone would cost an extra $20,000 for the airlines (all airlines). The passengers would pay more or the flights would just be cancelled.
Me? I blame the airlines for putting its passengers in harms way.
Russia has a middle class today and they're purchasing cars; never before now. I know about him and the KGB and read the same news you do. There's oil companies from all over pulling Russian oil out of the ground...not so under Gorbi. Only reason the Berlin wall came down is because Ivan was broke.
As for disturbing actions...look across the pond at your child. We wrote the fucking book on take-overs and corruption.
>>28541 Putin IS the Russian mafia! Many mental health experts in Europe consider him to be a true psychopath. He was a top KGB officer in Soviet days and there are many disturbing stories of his actions. Russia is sadly far less free, and more corrupt, under Putin than it was under Gorbachev.
I kinda like the gutsy old boy. He's trying to hold a country together that's overrun by the Russian Mafia. I give him credit for that. The U.S. has done more than piss him off over the last 15 or so years while he's done little to piss us off. I say leave him alone.
As for that downed plane, they knew that was hot air space but were just trying to save fuel rather than fly around. I'd sue them till their pants fell down.