Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
Like a polished turd floating in a sea of shit

Houston has had 7 1/4 inches of rain in the last 3 days and my Philodendron is having a baby penis. Isn't it cute?

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>>27967 With clear rational thinking like that you'll never be a politician!


Isn't there a way to make clean drinking water out of salt water?
Why yes, I believe there is. Maybe instead of bullshitting around they could invest in that.


>>27963 I've been reading about your water problem and your heads of state are thinking very seriously about de-salinizing plants. Time to stop thinking about a problem that has increased to critical over the last 20 years.
Your migrant workers are being poisoned from chemical runoff in shallow wells and Nevada's lakes are low from no snow melt. Guess you know what that means for California water. There go your already high taxes. Come here, Vis. Lower taxes and more water.


thanks for the updates on your gardens, fellas! We are in drought conditions in Cali, probably expecting the big earthquake to wipe us off the map any day now (stop cheering), and my tomato plants have aphids sucking the life out of all my blossoms! Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and grapes are doing great though!

i hope conditions improve in your areas so you can have a great growing / blooming season!


If your hibiscus lived thru that hard winter this year, you're very fortunate.
The freeze stunted all early growth so the persimmon is catching up. Eat up soon ... only 1999 yrs. left.


>>27895 My hibiscus isn't doing very well either! Last year it wasn't very tall! I think the drought hurt it! And the persimmon tree is leafing very late! I estimate only 2000 years left for human life! ;)


Lots of rain here too, many things sprouting...haven't seen this (gratefully)

Much of my yard is late. The long deep frost really spun the landscape around. Blueberries are showing no sign of life, rose bushes had root rot, hibiscus is a goner, privets are 50% showing bloom, rasberries have spread like gangbusters (they evidently loved it), maple tree just started showing bloom this week. Grass is growing fine, patched areas (dead from salt and winter foot traffic) are coming in nicely.

