World's 1st

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>>27061 Ah, I wondered what I was doing wrong.


http minus the s displays the video here, Sideways.


The speech:


>>27057 She certainly knows more than I do.


>>27057 she represents most of my family ;)



I prefer Homer Simpson


Carl Carlson gave "internet" a whole new meaning...
Carl: Hey you know what I'm looking forward to? The future. Have you heard about this inter-net thing?
Lenny: Internet?
Carl: Yeah it's the inner netting they invented to line swim trunks. It provides a comforting snugness.


>>27053 back when people said: "I'm going on the World Wide Web"


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A fun little site on the World Wide Web, that brought together users from different corners of this world, over pictures and interesting tidbits of humor and conversation. Inventor: TJP est 2004 (guessing on the date)

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Canadian inventor, Arthur Sicard invented the snowblower in 1925. The Montreal based inventor sold his first, "Sicard Snow Remover Snowblower" to the nearby town of Outremont in 1927.

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Flush Toilet

~ Thomas Crapper often given historical credit for having invented the first flush toilet in the late 1800

~ evidence to the toilet invention however can be traced back as far as 1596 when a nobleman called Sir John Harrington invented and engineered a type of valve that was able to release water in the toilet bowl when the valve was pulled ..this is said to have been the first recorded History of the flush Toilet

~ in 1778 Joseph Bramah was an Englishman who received a patent for a version for a first toilet

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Microprocessor (1971) Intel 4004

In November, 1971, a company called Intel publicly introduced the world's first single chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004 (U.S. Patent #3,821,715), invented by Intel engineers Federico Faggin, Ted Hoff, and Stan Mazor. After the invention of integrated circuits revolutionized computer design, the only place to go was down -- in size that is. The Intel 4004 chip took the integrated circuit down one step further by placing all the parts that made a computer think (i.e. central processing unit, memory, input and output controls) on one small chip. Programming intelligence into inanimate objects had now become possible.

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The First Motorcycle was designed and built by the German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Bad Cannstatt (Stuttgart) in 1885. It was essentially a motorized bicycle, although the inventors called their invention the Reitwagen ("riding car"). It was also the first petroleum-powered vehicle.


In December 1975, Kodak engineer Steve Sasson invented something that would, decades later, revolutionize photography: the world’s first digital camera. It was the size of a toaster, and captured black and white images at a resolution of 100×100 - or 0.01 megapixels in today’s marketing terminology. The images were stored on cassette tape, taking 23 seconds to write. The camera uses an ADC from Motorola, a bog-standard (for the 1970s) lens from a Kodak movie camera, and a CCD chip from Fairchild Semiconductor - the same technology that digital cameras still use today. To playback the images, a special computer and tape reader setup (pictured below) was built, outputting the grainy images on a standard TV. It took a further 23 seconds to read each image from tape.