$395,000 To Study Duck Penises

Yale University has been granted 395K from the federal government to study the growth of duck penises. Just when I thought I was done pulling all my hair out.....!?

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>>24147 Interesting. I don't remember that happening but it was a long time ago.


I learned something new today XD
Fart Eggs:
"No-yolkers are called "dwarf", "wind" [or, more commonly, "fart"] eggs. Such an egg is most often a pullet's first effort, produced before her laying mechanism is fully geared up. In a mature hen, a wind egg is unlikely, but can occur if a bit of reproductive tissue breaks away, stimulating the egg producing glands to treat it like a yolk and wrap it in albumen, membranes and a shell as it travels through the egg tube. You can tell this has occurred if, instead of a yolk, the egg contains a small particle of grayish tissue. In the old days, no yolkers were called "cock" eggs. Since they contained no yolk and therefore can't hatch, our forebears believed they were laid by roosters"


This was our first fart egg, were in year one and still learning as we go. We butchered a chicken today, never as bad to do as the lead up. We almost talk our selves out of it each time, in the end though it feels good doing the right thing.The naming things kind of fun, and so far we've had a good reason/excuse to eat every one we've putdown. We'll see how it all goes this fall when a lot have to go. Were looking forward to this being a cicada year, hoping all the birdies have a taist for the free food.On a side note I spelled taist wrong and fire foxes first suggestion was taint.Take care, more pond digging tomorrow.


Never heard of a 'fart egg' nor seen one. It's kinda like giving up during child birth, isn't it? Never saw a half-developed hen egg and just assumed ducks didn't have them either. Do you get many of those? That's really strange. I like the names you've chosen and glad you're not so attached that you can't pop one in the oven every once and a while.
We would buy chicks for 17 cents each; half were usually roosters. When they were pullet size and their combs developed enough that we could tell they were males, we'd separate them from the hens. Didn't need fertilized eggs to sell. They'd grow a little more and then...fried chicken.
My brother raised rabbits and named them all. He'd pet them. That was his downfall. When the rabbit wound up on the plate for dinner, he couldn't eat his friend.

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A few of them have names. There's a Clementine and a Flappy Feet and a bunch of unnamed. We had to eat Green Bean and Ken Salizar. We had a pepper who recently was killed by a neighbors dog. I like giving them whole names, makes it fun to yell at them (why don't you take the morning train to shut the fuck up town Sheena Easton--that sort of nonsense). Check out this mini egg we got today.I was reading there called fart eggs, ever see one GG?


Sheena Easton for a rooster? Well, I guess it's like a boy named Sue. They're just tougher.
Are your ducks also named?


The reds are cool as hell.The Miss things let my daughter pick them up and walk around. We have 2 roosters, ones named Sheena Easton and the others one of those silly looking poof balls named Darell.Darell sucks at being a rooster ,he lets Sheena Easton bang his favorite girl right in front of him.Sheena looks out for all the ladies and Darell too, lets everybody eat first and keeps them in the know when there hawks. The ducks are the favorites though, there eggs are a novelty and they always sound like there laughing in the backround.They also like to stay out of human business, which is a real plus.


Reds are the most personable and friendliest to humans of laying hens. They'll sit in your lap and let you pet them. The happier they are, the more eggs you get. A neutered rooster (Kapon) is good to have around because, for some reason, hens feel safer and happier.
Never gave ducks much thought. Chicken eggs were much easier to sell.


We have 3 Rode Islands. There both named miss thing and have the funniest dispositions.There the ones we always have to kick off the porch. Our land is much better suited to water foul, if you dig 2 feet you have a pond. The chicks and ducks roam free so its a daily Easter egg hunt.


>>24106 You can stay longer than the "King of the One Liners" (Henny Youngman).
When I was young, we had 250 laying Rhode Island Reds. If we picked eggs regularly, we could get 3 eggs each hen some days. Wasn't uncommon to get tripple yolkers sometimes.


Thanks GG, I try to throw in the one liners when I visit. Here's the full size avatar. http://merlins-bar.com/threads/1276.html

I'll get some picture's of our delinquent ducks,sheep and chickens on here soon. We just got some baby geese, there whole thing is being dicks.


You funny, TP; you should visit us here more often.
I can't enlarge your avatar to the point of reading the fine print. I've often wondered what the caption is with the bear/dead guy thingy.


Dicks and ducks, gotta love it. Well I was cruising here today my dear wife brought a dick of a duck in for repairs. No repairs done but a healthy dump was taken on the floor. The better part was the horrible stinky one that it shat all over her(she even struck a pose), the camera batteries were dead of course.


>>24085 Nobody else has asked so I'm going to give it a whack..."What are ducks/dicks doing in the living room?


>>24084 Ah! The old dicks instead of ducks scam. You gotta watch out for that one. It becomes obvious after a while because dicks don't lay eggs, but by that time the seller has legged it! :D


>>24085 So tonight you eat duck?


One just crapped on my living room floor.


We've got about a dozen ducks here. Most of them are dicks.

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Ducks are real assholes, you know.


Should it turn out that the size of a ducks penis can cure cancer you may end up looking quite the fool! ;D