92 year old water pipe I pulled from the ground when building my slab. Still a clear 1/8 inch of good galvanized pipe left. Now that's quality stuff.
Meh! These modern fangled pipes are no good! A nice run of lead piping is what you need :)
It is (was) a status symbol. The older the more decorated. You guys can have a competition of who's got the highest status! LOL
>>22102 I looked this up on wikipedia. Never heard of a Koteka and much to my surprise the darn things are worn all over the world. A man could conceal his 'shortcomings' within this penis gourd.
>>22095 "look at my Holim :D"
>>22094 That's really funny. Any idea what's going on here? Maybe he's just acting silly.
another use
>>22077..cause mine's a 1921 model. >>22078 Spot on! However, this is a special turd only found in the South. The owner may fart through it and whistle "Dixie".
Is that what a "polished turd" looks like?
How come that your water pipe looks so different than mine?
- The Bar 1.3 -