Merlins-Bar, The glittering jewel of the internet
Like a polished turd floating in a sea of shit
From 61 to 49C!

Adjusting the core voltage: 1.296V at load and 0.928V at idle but still at 4.2GHz!
Before it was 1.382V at load and 1.104V at idle.

I do this so the processor doesn't get so hot; current max temp measured 49C, used to be 61C!

This theoretically means I can achieve a higher overclock but I'm not going to do that.

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haha, yes the planet and my wallet ;)
I got a Corsair HX850W; very little ripple.
Just for fun I'm also doing a Prime95 torture test. Current max temp is 50C..see for yourself.


>>21961 The glitches would be unpredictable in nature, but highly likely to crash the system. Your power supply is clearly pretty stable so I think it should be fine, it's cheaper supplies with too much voltage variation, low quality regulators, that will really become unstable when trying this.
Excellent way to keep the heat down though, and save the planet at the same time :)


I did run Intel Burn test every time I decreased the voltage (alter, boot to windows, burn, passed, reboot, repeat cycle)
What kind of glitches can I expect?


Nicely done! Just keep an eye out for weird glitches.