one of those moments..

A fly lands on Obama's head during a press conference today..

"Obama swatted at the fly a couple of times, and the official White House transcript reads, "This guy is bothering me here—(swatting at a fly.)"

The insect eventually left the commander in chief alone."

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>>21965 Hal-arious. Don't know who comes up with that stuff but it's very well done.


"I buried a possum in this yard.." XD


Damn! I thought it was a laser dot! (hoping)
Now, when that thing crawls to your mouth, try to stop your reflex action of eating it!


There's over 100,000 species of flies. This one is very rare and is only found in the White House. It is the 'Insecticus Presidentus". They will only lay their eggs on Presidential Poop. They are to be treated with utmost of respect so they may go about their daily task. They are not to be swatted. Doing so leads to impeachment.


BREAKING NEWS!! ..really?