Looking for survivers. Is anybody out there?

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For the "Next time end of the world crisis" here's a 20 million dollar craft that'll keep you around for an aditional 5 years. The builder has already sold one other and this one's sold also.


>>21535 I already have plenty, thank you.


Sooo, would anybody like to purchase some never-been-used zombie hatchets?


>>21528 lol!


>>21525 One thing I've noticed since the disappointing no-apocalypse Friday, is that all the doom-sayers are being really quiet! This must have been the big one for them! And they must be so upset that their doomsday made them look wrong! I'll bet they're busy calculating another one, or looking up how Nostrodamus said "it wasn't going to happen when the Mayans say so but the people that built Stonhenge will now show it ends on Dec. 32nd!" ;D


The show should include the nuts looking for jobs and paying for the frivolous crap they invested in.


>>21491 So many, that they made another idiotic "Reality" show about it!


Hard to follow a credulous people that worshiped elements and built totems. Wonder how many people actually built bunkers. I've seen some biziarre homes remodeled and busses turned into anti-zombie vehicles. People spent a hell of a lot of money for the belief in 12/21/12.


>>21479 Mmmm, explosions & tits! ;D


>>21475 easy to digest so that even the dumbest will understand..and with explosions and tits! ;D


>>21466 Mis-use of the History channel!
TV shows love to grab the audience with fear and excitement! You can't get that telling the actual story! The start over means we are now in the land of the sixth sun! I learned all this when I was fifteen (when they used to teach history properly) The Mayans calender is for he land of the fifth sun! That's the face in the middle of it with the four other suns around it! They've done the same thing with Nostradamus! I used to be fascinated by that when I was a child, but now it's all "Nostradamus knew the planes would hit the towers!" Every time now, when something happens, they throw in- "Nostradamus knew a million years ago!" I'm sure there will be a show now how Nostradamus predicted Newtown, Conn.! TV has turned everything smart, into a "BigFoot Hunters" show!


>>21464 Yeah, we're pretty hardcore like that!!!
>>21466 Absolutely, no mention anywhere of an apocalypse from the Mayans. Bloody funny watching people get so excited about it all though :D


If one really investigates the Mayan callendar, it never said the world would end; the callendar merely starts over (it ran out). I don't know how all this stuff got started in the first place. The Mayans were great mathematicians but couldn't even fortell their own demise at the hand of the Spaniards.


>>21457 you are British. Also:

1. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour

2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down

3. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament

4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day

5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter

6. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the Queen

7. It is illegal not to tell the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing

Source: BBC


>>21458 I thought it was a documetary! :p


>>21450 It wasn't already a comedy?!? ;D


>>21448 The Daily Mail is like The Onion, it's all made up bollocks, except the people who write and read the daily mail think it's all true XD

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Today, the movie- "2012" has just become a comedy!


Although there some signs, mostly British signs:


Thank <insert name of preferred deity here>! Some of you made it :)


Well crap!

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Still going strong

Still here!

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Woe is us...nothing to go back to.