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Political Parties in the Netherlands (2012)

Lets keep it simple..not

Last time we had (only) 10 parties, now 10 more popped up. All claiming to be different.

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I believe America is fixable, but when politicians speak and empower voters to "take back America", the message should not be one party take it back from the other. It should be: American voters take it back from the politicians and corporations! If we can ever achieve that, we will be a stellar country once again. Really reborn..


NOW you're beginning to see the light. We're ass-wipes' they're not. You'll get no favors from politions. I've watched the world crater since I could understand the news and that's been a long time. It's un-fixable!


I have often considered handing in my "democratic party badge" and registering as an independent, simply because I want no further relation to either major political party. They are both an embarrassment.


>>19442 indeed too many. Most popular are the older ones:
Left: SP, groenlinks
Mid-Left: PVDA
Middle: D66
Mid-Right: CDA, PVDV
Right: VVD

>>19444 HELL NO! I'll never vote for the right wing groups or the party for Animals (too weird) or the party for human and spirit (yes, exactly! :S)


1)Print out
2)Stick to wall
3)Throw dart, knife or other pointy object at print out

You might as well, they'll all be shit anyway! :D


Too many parties. Which are the most popular?

I think America really needs a strong third party to help shake things up. Our current two party system is determined not to cooperate and put country first..


Can you imagine so many parties in the USA?

btw, I just noticed I forgot to change 2 words into English but they look about the same so ..meh.


Looks more like a 'Home Shopping Network'.