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Mythbusters still comes on PBS from time to time in Houston.


>>14726 Yes, I looked it up some more last night, and found that they said they're still on! I just gave up when I heard the initial announcement! Thanks JC! ;)
I saw the one with obama! Too bad they didn't replace "Buster" with him! :D


>>14710 I think they were pretty much at the end of the season anyway, 22 episodes, previous season had 23, so I guess it will come back sometime later this year. I think Mythbusters is far to popular for them to kill off at the moment. Even Obama's a fan!!! :)


>>14709 I had not been following the later story, (shame on me) but they had originally said it was over! I beleived it, because there has been no new shows for a month now! It's usually broadcast on The Discovery Channel on Wednesday nights at 9:00 pm! But they have even taken the re-runs off of that time slot!
And I really want to see the cannon they fired that thing out of!


>>14694 >>14695 I've read what Grim posted, that the program would continue.

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>>14704 "You like that?" WHOOYEAHHHH!!!


>>14704 "I'm looking forward to spankin' it"!



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Cannonball accident (wiki-P)

On December 6, 2011, while conducting an experiment on the effectiveness of various projectiles when fired out of a cannon, the MythBusters crew accidentally sent a cannonball through the side of a house and into a minivan in a California neighborhood. Although the experiment was being carried out at the Alameda County Sheriff's Bomb Range under the supervision of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office, the errant projectile went over its intended target of water barrels and instead soared 700 yd (640 m) into a neighboring community, striking a house and leaving a 10 in (25 cm) hole, before striking the roof of another house and smashing through a window of a parked minivan. No one was hurt by the rogue cannonball. A producer of the show visited the house to apologize, followed by Savage and Hyneman; Savage later stated that production of the series would not be suspended because of the incident.


>>14691 Well, they had a little accident about a month ago!
It involved a myth about a cannonball penetrating a castle wall! They sort of missed the target, and took out two houses and a mini-van! =O
But really, the cannonball they fired missed, and went through a house, and bounced off a mini-van (or SUV) and into another house! It was on the news, and apparently they were told that was enough, and they had to stop! I didn't hear the whole story!


>>14690 what?


Sadly, the show has been canceled! :(