Crystal Clear

Like an Angel's orgasm

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>>14543 when I was young, mister Fox.


>>14538 Living on the edge of your pillow doesn't count! ;D


Well, what can I say? I took a risk, can't blame me for living on the edge


My turn... ...I was about 4 years old and had no near drowning events whatsoever. It was a close call! ;P


Ok, I guess I'll throw mine in!
It was Daytona Beach, Florida, I was four, my mother told me to go find my teenage sister on the beach! I walked along the beach next to the water, and slowly kept drifting out farther as I walked, until the water was rising above my head and I was in trouble! I couldn't yell (but i was trying) because of the water I was sucking in! I went under for what I knew was the last time, so I threw my arms up in the air as I went under, and someone grabbed my arm and lifted me right out! I looked up and it was my sister!

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gorgeous birds

According to my mum I was 4yo and it was my dad who saved me.

I still prefer sun bathing and 'bird' watching ;)


My brother used to hold me under water when we were kids, but I never drowned either. Did develop a nasty claustrophobia from it. Great picture though..


>>14488 The closest I've been to the Guadalupe River was last year when we were visiting a town about an hour outside Fredericksburg.

>>14494 Yeah, seriously! I've always hated water but I have a silver medal and placed Second Class in boot camp.


How in the world do you guys almost drown?!
Just learn to breath underwater like me! ;P


>>14490 so did you drown? ;)

But seriously, yikes. I almost drowned when I was a wee kid. In the deepest part of the swimming pool, it was my dad or uncle who fished me out. However I did get my swimming diplomas later.

I still don't like blurry water (North Sea) but that was Jaws fault ;)

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Tru Story

Very beautiful.... i almost drowned i couple of years ago, it was a dirty ass lake with snakes and alot of plant likes things growing from the bottom, my legs somehow got tangled by the long stems of the grasslike plant. i panicked for a bit and was about to give up..... but then i remembered Bruce Lee's words "be like water my friend" so i relaxed and flowed like water.
The End.


I dove in a vertical vent (Jacob's ladder on the Guadalupe River) but , although clear, not like this.


Every once in awhile, I'll get to dive a lake this clear, and see this same view! I just float there and look at it for several minutes! Great find, Grim! ;D