Judge William Adams vs Daughter, who used the internet
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Blackmail's a bitch..... heard case was dismissed because it was so long ago... plus, its Texas my nickuh, Texan folks are old fashined.... nobody going to jail for spankin they kid.


Saw on the news this happened over 7 years ago. Didn't know that. The daughter is now using this video to get back at her father for taking away her Mercedes and money. Imagine keeping a video that long for a just-in-case-I-need-it option.


There is only one way to safely chastise a child! Murder!!! :)


So,...pulling their fingernails off with vise-grips is wrong then?! :p


If you believe your child is committing a crime by downloading music from the internet, probably the best way to combat this behavior is by physically abusing your child, who of course, has cerebral palsy. ;)

I believe everyone here thinks this mans actions are extreme. But my personal feeling is that if he were a better person and parent, he would have found a more appropriate way of handling a defiant child.


Yes, I'll admit that was way too much! I probably would have paddled her, (if that was not her first time of stealing music) and then removing the internet access from her!


Having been physically abused as a child, I come from the perspective that it is NEVER okay to beat your children. There are ways of disciplining children that do not involve hitting them. As a child, when I was hit, believe me, it didn't make me closer to my parents, nor did it teach me to respect them! But it did affect my life in a major way, in terms of future relationships..

To me, spanking a child to discipline is okay every blue moon. Spanking or hitting out of frustration or anger is not okay. And any kind of hitting is always the absolute last resort.


>>13037 If I had seen that, I would have told the woman- "I'll hold him while you hit him back!"
Anyone who's had to deal with a teenage (step)daughter, would completely understand! :p


>>13037 tru dat! i see it all the time... "go to your room" or "go to the corner" that shit don't work, son.


I deserved every switching and belting I got growing up but think this episode is a little extensive. I will also say that a good spanking might just get a kids head straight. Half the problems we have with youngsters today is because standing them in a corner or taking away their TV doesn't work. I saw a 14 year old punch his mother in the stomach in the grocery store a few years back because he couldn't get something he wanted. She looked at me with an embarassing look. I spoke up. "Don't look at me lady, that's your fault" The kid had no respect for his mother whatsoever...wonder why.


From a CNN article on the topic:

Meanwhile, Domino's Pizza in Rockport said it had received more than 20 online orders and nine phone orders for pizza to be delivered to the judge's home address.

"We actually made and delivered two pizzas before we caught on last night," said store manager Sean Hunt. "No one was answering the door or the phone calls at that address... I've worked here for a little over a year, and I've never seen anything like this happen."


I see she has problems following instructions! :p


man! this does bring back old memmories.... i remember when i was 8 while i was gettin whooped, i put my arm to block the belt and it left a mark.... my teacher had asked me how i got that mark on my arm, i told her i had fallen on my bike. Dude was lucky i loved him and knew that if i told the truth they'd probably take him away.


If my parents had done this to me when I was 16, I would've beat the shit out of them with a lead pipe while they're asleep.


Ahh... sweet memories. I'm posting this on fb.


Wow, that is a hard video to stomach. Jerkwad needs a beating himself.