I'll let JC comment on that ;)
Seems I heard something about that; didn't investigage tho. Guess it's back to the drawing board. Lotta stuff stumps the ole scientists, doesn't it?
>>12246 A Neutrino hit you in the thumbnail??? lol
>>12233 See >>12235 :)
One hit me in the thumbnail once, after that supernova in the southern hemisphere in 1986! It left a small crater in the nail!
Neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light. IMPOSSIBLE!!!?!! http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-09/baffling-cern-results-show-neutrinos-moving-faster-speed-light
How so, JC?
e=mc2 oooops ;)
The entire Physics world seems to be falling apart at moment! XD
- The Bar 1.3 -