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They just said on the news, he wasn't even in that car! Yeah right! Then why did they hide it from view?!


That'll teach him to buy an American car ;P


>>9535 I heard about this today on the radio news! I counldn't wait to look this up! But thanks for doing it for me! ;D
This actually could have turned out very bad!


>>9535 LOL! The worlds most expensive and secure car gets stuck on a small ledge 8D!! Nice beemer, btw



obama leaves dublin embassy, sort of ;)

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I spy..


>>9422 You have to give some of those kids answers a break, because they do not fully undersatnd the scope of these things! And they're attacking Pakistan because they can't get away with anything in the U.S.! Remember, these are cowards that are capable of attacking only easy targets!


Well, the bombers are busy again avenging the death of a leader in Packistan blowing up police recruits. Lack of protection seems to be the excuse. Wonder what they have planned here in the U.S.? One goes down and another pops up (as the kid says on the video). Some of those answers on the kid's video were...disturbing. Some were intelligent. Isn't it enough knowing a guy's dead rather than viewing all the blood and guts? What's with society today? Maybe a few more people should be there first hand with the other guy shooting back before everyone can get a bellyfull of killing.


>>9378 Those kids gave much better answers than the idiot teenagers they interviewed on the news!
>>9410 Much cheaper than a trial!


>>9364 $1.3 trillion had been spent before they got to knock on the door. Then the $5 bullet was cheap.




>>9360 Yes, yes, wars are expensive! But with the way things work over here, even with him being in Gitmo (what we call it) it would be in the courts for years! Not to mention ALL the appeals, one after another, even if he was found guilty, millions of dollars would be spent on just him! And if found guilty, he would be on death row for at least ten more years, until some hot-shot lawyer would find some loop-hole that would let him go free after all that bullshit, it's better to use five dollars worth of bullets, than to go through all that! ;)


>>9358 USA and International law? another LOL ;)
But you are right. The USA justified a murder. What if OBL was a Brit and stayed in a small town in the UK. Would they still go in with a SEAL team? I think not.

>>9359 Riiiight, Fox. Like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are cheap and incarcerating one man is soo expensive.
They didn't need to give him any privileges, just drop him in guantanamo bay.


>>9358 Killing him saved the U.S. a lot of money! Not to metion the arguing between Dems & Repubs about what to do with him! People getting pissed because Obama would want to lawyer him up, giving him rights the majority of people don't want him to have, or think he deserves! This way we don't have to feed him, or spend our tax dollars tending to his needs like any medical problems some people think he would need! And the best thing is that we don't have to hear his mouth anymore!
And he's not using up any more of our oxygen! ;)


>>9356 i believe USA has done this many times. it is ballsy, is all i'm saying.

beyond that, was it really necessary to kill bin laden?? he was unarmed, clearly, as were the others in the compound minus guard.

was the original intent to kill OBL or bring him back to america?? and how does assassinating a person violate international law?


Stealth and helicopter in one sentence = LOL

>>9355 like they never did that before :/
Risk for Obama? I would be more worried about the soldiers carrying out the orders. The only 'problem' Obama could face is a political fall.


i just think this was extremely risky for obama to make this call: sneak into the air space of another country, assassinate someone, and exit stage left. very ballsy!!


>>9351 Dear USA, regarding your 'stealth' helicopter. I would like to draw your attention to the dictionary definition of the word 'stealth'...
"The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way."
I see nothing about crashing and thus announcing to the world what you're doing. Perhaps the word you were looking for was 'Disposable'?
That is all.


The Pakistans have now said no more sneaking in like that again! As President, my response to that would be- Give us our helicopter tail section back, or we'll come and get it!


the US-Pakistan relationship was already strained. it is worse now because we entered the country and assassinated a guy who perhaps, Pak was trying to protect?

in 2007, bush43 had his chance and they wanted to drop bombs all over the place. obama's decision to send in a small team was the right one.

and if the soldiers on the ground were captured, you all know this, everyone would say it was obama's plan, and not bush43's.

i'm just not a fan of the hypocrisy.. furthermore, the bush and bin laden families are pretty tight. i'm not convinced bush43 could take out his friend. ;)


>>9340 I knew that would get you stirred up! :D
I guess I worded all that incorrectly! Of couse this particular action wasn't Bushes personal plan! What I meant was, the plan all along (by bush) was to get os(b)ama! :p
All this was a continuation of what was ordered by the Bush admintration! And this successful kill was planned by U.S. intelligence, and all those of whom actual job this is! Obama was presented with this plan, and all he did was say- "Yes, go ahead and do this!" Remember, I didn't vote for Bush, but I felt sorry for him when 9/11 happened under his admistration!
Obama could have gotten him sooner (on his own) if he would have just gone to the Lincoln Room in the White House, and woke him up! ;D


>>9340 "obama took a HUGE risk by doing what he did - anything could have gone wrong" - You're right, he could have so easily have fallen of his chair where he sat watching events occurring thousands of miles away ;P

Lets be honest and say no matter what president was in power once the Military had found him the same thing would have happened. I can't imagine any president would look at the intelligence and say 'You know what, he seems happy in Pakistan. Lets just leave him be' :D


here is bush43's plan for bin laden.. very shortly after 9/11.. i still love the bush43 apologists!! ;)



>>9338 i didn't know bush43's plan was to track down bin laden at his secret compound in pakistan, send in a special unit with a dog and assassinate OBL in the dead of night. if it's that simple, bush43 should have done it himself! ;)

obama took a HUGE risk by doing what he did - anything could have gone wrong. actually, the stealth chopper went down and that could have been disastrous for the soldiers and the mission! but it's ok, everyone. bush43 has it all figured out!! ;)


>>9336 The local mornig radio talk show played all that this morning! It was great! AND I've been doing the very same thing! You know how I get those two confused! ;D
>>0 And you know that all Ob(s)ama did was sign the order named- "Yeah, go ahead with Bushes' plan, so I can say it was mine!" :p


>>9335 super lol!



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