namely, the conservative movement

A World Opinion Poll singled out FOX NEWS as a proven source of misinformation. Those stupid people just put republicans back in power in America, and will probably vote Sarah Palin as President.

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<offtopic 'follow the money' The Wire >


Kinda doesn't really matter who's in power, be it Republican or Democrat. Big business controls congress. That's why the change people vote for never happens. The lies we hear from the media keep us occupied while the gears of big business machinery keep on turning. Most crimes are solved by following the money.




>>7307 And it really pissed me off when we "liberated" Kuwait! After it was over everyone in Kuwait got free gas for awhile! And they didn't even do anything but sit and wait for us to do their battle for them! Kuwait owes me about 150 gallons of free gas!


and who is paying for the iraq war? we are, both in tax dollars set aside in the budget and in higher gas prices. what happened to iraq's oil income paying for this war? seriously, how did america benefit from this war? i hate to keep harping on it, but it's cost a small fortune, and we never really hear about that aspect anymore.


>>7304 Yes, I always laugh when people say we do it for the oil! If we defend, invade, blow up, or protect only oil laden countries, then where is my 50 cent per gallon gas!??! :D


>>7303 you're right! there is good reason for the middle east to hate america. but the middle east wants us there to take out the bad guys like iran. so we will never win that one, but it shows the hypocrisy!

and what has the middle east done for us lately?? gas prices on my corner are up to $3.15. how is that possible?


That's why I want to be potus! So I can kill, and get away with it! ;D
I've never looked at wikileaks, but I like this type of leak that show others how the rest of the world wants us to do their dirty work, but they don't want everybody else to know that so we always look like the bad guy!


the american government gets away with murder, to say the least. i defend wikileaks for exposing hypocrisy and "secrets" - especially when it comes to the iraq war. the US government is, and has been, out of control for too long..


"A friend I had from Hungary said the papers from the U.S. never told the truth about what was really going on in his country."
Exactly! :D


What's the old saying...The things we haven't learned from history is that we haven't learned things from history. We've been swirling around in the toilet for over the 68 yrs. I've seen and on the brink of going down the shit pipe. A friend I had from Hungary said the papers from the U.S. never told the truth about what was really going on in his country. Now with the internet things become a little more clear. And then there's wikileaks....


Fox News is considered a comedy channel in most countries :D


I read a few years ago that US citizens who didn't read a daily paper were better informed on world events than those who did. Television seems to feed directly into empty minds. Rupert Murdoch wields more power than any politician.


this particular poll was asked to americans. however, the company, which is World Public Opinion, is self described as:

The network is a consortium of research centers studying public opinion on international issues in their respective countries. At present the network consists of research centers in more than 25 countries across all of the major continents. The network includes countries that represent the majority of the world population.


'A World Opinion Poll..' is that a poll asked to the world or a company?


"The poll also found significant differences depending how people voted. Those who voted Republican were more likely than those who voted Democratic to believe that:

- most economists have concluded that the health care law will increase the deficit (voted Republican 73%, voted Democratic 31%)

- the American economy is still getting worse (72% to 36%)

- the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (67% to 42%)

- most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (62% to 26%)

- and it is not clear that Obama was born within the United States (64% to 18%)