What proprietary connector are you talking about?
Most external GPU's use either and/or Thunderbolt, several USB's, RJ45, the display ports from the gpu, and a power cable
I'm actually eyeing for the 3080, if the reviews are positive. I don't care about the 3090 as it's too big and power hungry.
Your brother could always opt for an external graphics card. Sure, it's not as mobile as a laptop but much more powerful. I bet, IF they make 30xx laptops they be overheating quickly so they will go back to thick laptops or maybe even water cooled ones. SO to answer your question, yes your own thermonuclear reactor will be necessary.
Yeah, they are very large! And the power draw looks to be huge too, but time will tell once we get some real world test.
My brother is looking in to getting a new gaming laptop at some point and was surprised to find the current 2080 laptops come with 2 330W power supplies. My 1080 laptop only needs 1 330W power supply. It makes you wonder what a 3080 laptop would come with 3? Or maybe just a mini nuclear reactor instead of battery? :D
>>36585 You'll need the 'RTX3090 Ti Super Ultra Mega Turbo' for that :D