I started to work-out..

..cause my current job is a mostly sit-on-my-butt job, and when I get home the PC is my fav hobby.

So I bought a rowing machine. To be used along with the Home Gym Unit behind it (35kg push/pull; arms). And the kettlebell (10kg lift; legs)

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I have enough 'reserves' attached to me ;) Ice cream does sound good though with some wHipped cream, blue berries, bananas, and hot chocolate sauce.


And with all those calories burnt you can now eat more ice cream ;D

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Yesterday (left) and today.


>>33667 indeed, very impressive. I tried rowing with one arm..pff. Rowing is very intensive, even after 5 minutes I feel all kinds of muscles. Why don't you sell it on ebay or amazon?

The days hasn't been great for rowing, inside my apartment it was 27C! However I did set a better score of 1.50 km in 10 minutes, but fuckin hell the sweat..
No more rowing today. Tomorrow is a new day.


>>33662 He does indeed row with just his right side, pretty amazing really.
I'm still using the bike, it gets me to town or to see my mum. I have a rowing machine too but I don't use it much, don't often have the energy for it.

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Best picture I could find

>>33658 Holy dip sauce, that concept 2 is big. That's indeed too big even for my apartment, unless I put it in the living room.

So does he row with one arm and leg? I presume he has no strength in both his left arm and leg.

What about you, btw, do you still (e-)cycle?


>>33656 He's 60 now but had the stroke about 10 years ago, not much chance of ever improving sadly. He still rows on his rowing machine occasionally, he had it adapted, but currently can't find anywhere to keep it. It's a rather large Concept 2 professional one so isn't going to fit in his little flat but we are hoping to find somewhere soon. He now has a dream of being the rowing around the British Isles.


>>33651 oh damn. Will he be all right? How old is he?

I have absolutely no intention of rowing any ocean or sea.


Rowing is fun. I have a friend who rowed the Atlantic by himself! Took 4 months :S
He was preparing to row the Pacific in a group of 4 when he had a stroke and is now paralysed down his left side. He still dreams of getting back to rowing.

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2nd row after a short break

Faster than the first but damn it's tough.

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The goal time for rowing

Been rowing now for about a week and a half, nothing fancy just trying it out.

Until today..

The goal is 1.29 km in 10 minutes.


My workout schedule

I must row 2 times of 10 minutes a day, plus lift 10 times 10 kg, 3 times 20 pushing 35 kg, and lastly 3 times 20 pulling 35 kg.