UK law bans a lot of types of porn
  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
  • Maximum file size allowed is 8000 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
Subject (Optional)
File (Optional)


Thankfully unlike 50% of hollywood they have yet to star in it!!!


I would wager a green-back dollar that over 50% of congress watches porn, religiously twice a week.


Trust me when I say that nobody in the UK gives a shit about what the government says so far as what porn you can or can't watch :D


Our government has been approached to legislate morals for years and they're getting damn close to doing it...won't be long now.

(37.5 Kb, 616x546)
Banned stuff

This shit's ridiculous. They don't call the UK 'The nanny state' for nothing.


Good news for now though, it appears that it only applies to Pay-to-view so you still have your wide selection of free stuff available. Also the article claims that it applies to Producers not Purveyors, so unless you have taken up a side job of working with Sundin (remember that bloke?) you may likely be unaffected. (disclaimer: this does not mean that government will not in the future overreach their boundaries and ban all that is considered smut)


Great video. I'm saddened your porn will be censored, UK. Come across the pond on your computer to a country that exercises freedom of speech; we'll never let you down.