Remembrance of the dead during war day (Dodenherdenking)
Oh yeah. The 4th of May is something entirely different over here for a certain type of person. May the Fourth be with you!
I didn't know the BBMF made overseas visits! I've seen it here a couple of times.
me, yesterday, of a food baby :D
I became liberated in 1985... DIvorce.
oh, I didn't know that. May the 5th (1945) is Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag), to mark the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during World War II. Although the south of Limburg (the province I'm from) was liberated in September 1944.
>>27625 And they don't teach any of that in schools today!
A long time ago (50's) we had a 'VE' Day (Victory in Europe) and a 'VJ' Day (Victory in Japan). They're long gone and have been replaced by 'Memorial Day' which will be the last Monday in May.
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