10 inches increase sure does make a difference

from a 'tiny' 32" to a 'normal' 42" led tv

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Nice work :)

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Thanx, just bought a wooden panel (61x122cm) cut it in half and attached the legs on one, had some spare L-brackets parts left from an Ikea build which I drilled some M4 holes in, and attached the plank that was left so it would cover the cables and voilá fin. All in all about 10 minutes work.

The idea was to use the table with the vertical attached panel at the back, because I want to fit another smaller computer under it. But because that little computer isn't finished yet, I chose to set it up like this.

No, the 20kg pc will stay where it is as I checked the stability with a spirit level (100% flat).


Pretty darn good job, Grim. Didn't know you did cabinet work.
That computer can't roll off, can it?

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made a little table for my computer


ty, just ty ;)


Very nice, Grim. Any woman will tell you 10 inches makes all the difference in the world.


on the left behind the tv is the Home Entertainment PC for series & movies, on the right is indeed the PS3, all pc's & console are connected. On the far right is my every day/gaming rig.

btw, here's an easy money tip in GTA5: rob the MJ farm North-East on the map, shoot 4 to 8 guys, grab the MJ and no cops! You can come back every week or so :D


You have your computer hooked up to it? Or is that the ps3?


ty! it was either a new pair of glasses or a bigger tv ;)


Well I'm more than happy with my 'tiny' 32 inches!!! XD
Looks pretty sweet though :)