strength in numbers

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>>24525 was just about to post this. Memory isn't what it should be. Great to watch again though.


>>24523 I should have known this. Memory just ain't what it used to be.


Not having a lot to do today, I watched the entire video. Interesting top secret stuff. I'm only guessing here that the idea for this project was to see how well men adapted living in close quarters? Maybe they were guarding something although I saw no guns. They were (GASP)smoking around others! There were no useless ducks but they did have Muckluck the dog. I would hate to think someone measured his member wasting my hard earned money. Thanks for your love, OB. I didn't research any further to see if this operation was still being used. Maybe the good people of Iceland have bought up the real estate calling it home.


While researching the Ghost army I came across this video on Camp Century.

A much better way to spend GG's money than on measuring duck dicks.


The tanks only weighed about 93 pounds each.


The Ghost Army was a United States Army tactical deception unit during World War II imitating earlier British operations, officially known as the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops. The 1,100-man unit was given a unique mission within the U.S Army: to impersonate other U.S. Army units to deceive the enemy. From a few weeks after D-Day, when they landed in France, until the end of the war, they put on a "traveling road show". utilizing inflatable tanks, sound trucks, fake radio transmissions and pretence. They staged more than 20 battlefield deceptions, often operating very close to the front lines.

Ghost soldiers were encouraged to use their brains and talent to mislead, deceive and befuddle the German Army. Many were recruited from art schools, advertising agencies and other venues that encourage creative thinking. In civilian life, ghost soldiers had been artists, architects, actors, set designers and engineers.

Although the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops consisted of only 1,100 soldiers, the contingent used equipment pioneered by British forces such as dummy tanks and artillery, fake aircraft and giant speakers broadcasting the sounds of men and artillery to make the Germans think it was upwards of a two-division 30,000 man force. The unit's elaborate ruses helped deflect German units from the locations of larger allied combat units.

The unit consisted of the 406th Combat Engineers (which handled security), the 603rd Camouflage Engineers, the 3132 Signal Service Company Special and the Signal Company Special.


Looks like an inflatable. Balloon tanks as decoys? Cheaper than setting out real ones as decoys.


Strange photo, Grim. You reckon this is one of those wooden tanks meant to fool the Germans before 'D' day? Maybe it was a trick photo the Brits were having fun with.