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>>23490 It's probably going to come to pass sooner or later especially when the money rolls in and the feds lay off.
I really don't care what they do but the bottom line for me is states rights.


>>23486 I am waiting for all states to follow that example.


>>23470 I don't know for sure but I'm guessing all you'd have to be is 21 or maybe 18. Colorado and Oregon have 'recreational purposes' smoking and need no doctor's prescription. Just buy it and smoke it.


medicinal marijuana is also allowed in Cali (and we were the first state to adopt a marijuana program, as we are often on the cutting edge because we are a great state!!).

The dispensaries were set up, many of them illegal, and this marijuana was flying out the doors! But, taxes were being collected on it and everyone was happy. The attorney general is finally cracking down on the illegal dispensaries and that's the way it should be.

The tax income is greatly appreciated. Same with gasoline tax and alcohol tax. Now we need someone to oversee where the money goes..


So how is it controlled in the states that allow kush?


When questioned about Oregon and Colorado, Obama said "I have bigger fish to fry". Down deep, he would probably be in favor of legalizing it but there would be too much outcry from a lot of the public who can't see past their own noses. If the common public could understand how much the tax situation would profit, they might vote it in. Oregon and Colorado need to brag to the rest of the states. You don't see the feds trying to close the business down nor stopping it from coming over state lines....hmmm.


I tend to agree with that. Funny that the federal government does not want it legalized, but the people are speaking loud and clear about it.


Fine by me, Vis. I don't smoke the stuff but if all states would legalize it the drug cartel would go out of business over night.


and one day, the stone will be stoned, as Texas is trying to get a medicinal marijuana bill passed again, I see.